This Must Be Short Cause I Start Work Soon

Feb 18, 2022 07:03

Arrow does NOT have any serious illness. He does have arthritis and now has one more pill (Rimadyl) to take with his meals. But otherwise.....he needs more exercise and company. We've kinda let the hunt for a companion for him drop off our schedule. Need to fix that.

The cyst on my ribs was sliced open, cleaned out; and the cavity was "packed" to help the healing. All of that happened this past Monday morning; and I return for a check on it next Monday morning. The results on the sample my doctor sent for testing are posted on my online Health Account. But it is all Latin to me, and I can only make wild guesses what it means. The site tells me that doctors don't get the info as fast as my site does, so I can wait a few days for enlightenment. HAH!!! Fool them! I'll be SEEING my doctor on Monday and plan to get explanations/answers face-to-face then. So there!

My cortisone shot has been postponed until NEXT Wednesday. I was further informed that I am REQUIRED to have a driver for that appointment. So Jeff is taking the morning off work--maybe all day(?).

The Orchid Show was MAGNIFICENT! We had a lovely time and very much enjoyed our meal at Gabe's after viewing the orchids. All 3 of us were very happy with Gabe's and plan to return. Many many many photos still languish on my little camera. Eventually, they will show up here.

I gotta go work. Enjoy your day, my friends. Breathe deeply and dwell on the Blessings of Being Alive and Beautiful!


update, health, arrow

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