Spring Arrived! .....

Mar 29, 2021 06:19

Winter returned. Then, Autumn poked its head back through the door, waggling fingers and whipping branches around. Spring keeps trying to shoulder her way back in; but Winter and Autumn are insisting on behaving like mean, jealous elder siblings (a comparison that means a lot to a #8 out of 10 siblings). This household is definitely pulling for Spring's success. Preferably, as soon as possible. According to AccuWeather.com, today we should hit about 70F (21C) with lots of sun----and lots of wind. Tomorrow might reach 40F with a "thick cloud cover". Sigh.

I do believe in Spring. She WILL arrive and bless us and invite her robust big sister Summer to follow. But, first we must persevere through Winter and Autumn's stubborn tantrums and bids for attention. Humphf.......

Grandmother Moon has graced us with her glowing Full state once again. Today, she's begun easing back her face time on her month-long cycle. How does time melt away so quickly from one Full Moon to the other, month after month after month? Life is such an amazing adventure and Time's tricks only enhance the wonders.

Cherish your days, my friends. Whether sunny and windy or clouded and chill. You can find something to enjoy, to wonder at, to treasure in most every day. Even on the days when you have to work at that a bit.

I wish you days filled with bountiful opportunities to enjoy, wonder, and treasure.

moon, weather woes and wonder

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