Aug 26, 2019 06:48

Arrow went to visit his Auntie Linda & Uncle Jimmy--where he would be loved-up and spoiled just a little--on Thursday be returned to our loving arms on Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, at 4:40 on Friday morning, we pulled out of our driveway and aimed The Mighty Steed at the State Fairgrounds. He faithfully delivered us to fourth place in the line on Como Avenue at 5:01 awaiting the 6a.m. opening of the parking lot. Shortly after our arrival, the car ahead of us pulled out and around and in through the gate. Apparently the driver was a State Fair Worker and had just realized he/she did NOT need to wait until 6 to get into the lot. Thus, we moved up to 3rd place! As we waited, we chatted with Bob from the car behind us. Time sped past as we listened to Bob's stories of travel to Italy and Olde Days at the State Fair. Six o'clock arrived, we scattered to our own vehicles, a second lane was opened for vehicles from further back in line ... MISTAKE! An elderly gentleman pulled up VERY CLOSE beside us in his rather battered pickup. We thought he was trying to pull into the line in front of us, but apparently he simply had poor night vision and did not realize how close he was. He bumped The Mighty Steed's side, but--thanks to the bumper bar on the outside of the doors--caused no real damage. Except to our equanimity. (Yeeaaahhhh, MyJeff was upset with that pickup pressed up against our Mighty Steed's driver's door, knocking our side mirror askew. So was I, but he was definitely louder.) As soon as we parked, MyJeff jumped out and went in search of the man. That man did end up acknowledging his error and apologizing, which calmed down MyJeff considerably. Nothing like a little Close Encounter of the Unexpected Kind to get the blood pressure up and running high...

Anyway, we parked in the second row from Como Avenue, about 3rd car from the entry lane. We walked over the ramped bridge that crosses Como and stepped onto the Fairgrounds a little before 6:30. Traditional breakfast at The Peg restaurant was excellent, as always. As always, owner Tim came out from the kitchen to give us hugs, and added an announcement that he and his wife were now GRANDPARENTS!!! MyJeff and I clearly remember when Tim informed us that he and Sheryl were PARENTS 30-some years ago! Time is a runaway ship on ultrawarp-speed!

Breakfast finished and other fair-goers looking for a table, we headed down the street to the Loop gate to pick up my scooter. This year, my scooter was blue and Pokey. Yup, although I dubbed the original swift red scooter Seabiscuit and others since have also been ready for a quick dash, when needed; this one had a definitely slower top speed--thus, Pokey. MyJeff, Pokey, and I turned north. After all, we were on the southern edge of the fairgrounds, NATURALLY we should start out the day of wandering with heading to the OPPOSITE side of the 322-acre space. (BTW: Thanks to MrDreamJeans for reminding me of the size of the fairgrounds.)

So early on a beautiful Friday morning, the streets bustled with fair-fans, but still provided plenty of space to spread your arms and breathe. Overall throughout the day, the crowds grew and were annoyingly large and obstructive in the usual popular places (Grandstand, Midway, Colisium/Barns), but did not hit the impossible-to-deal-with level. Anyway...we'd started petting the dogs at the breed display at the Pet Center when we received a cell phone call from the couple from St. Louis with whom we'd planned to connect. These kind people had adopted one of our foster dogs a few years ago; and we've touched base now and again with them since--even getting together for a dog play day on one of their trips up here to visit family.

Naturally, we dragged them over to the Pet Center for some dog petting, meeting a couple of keesies that were demonstrating various dog show activities, and pet-centric shopping. On the way to the Pet Center, MyJeff and his St. Louis counterpart sidetracked themselves at the "Rambo" booth. "Rambo" is a local (?) company making hardy and--apparently hightly appealing--heavy duty, off trail bicycles. The lads test rode a couple of the bikes and were very jazzed about them. After visiting the Pet Center, our guests requested we head for the Horticulture Building. Guess what? The Horticulture Building is ... back down near the southern edge of the fairgrounds! With a stop or two along the way, we reached the target area where MyJeff suggested a ride up the Space Needle. This appealed to everyone, so we rode the slowly spinning, rising and returning car up the needle and down. The view was SPECTACULAR! Downtown St. Paul & the Cathedral to the east, downtown Minneapolis and lots of tall buildings to the west, riverways and green-ness all around! I'd forgotten how wonderful the view was from the top. Sadly, the ride does NOT stop at the top so you need to pay attention and have your camera ready. I did not even think of the camera until we were halfway down again. Sigh. Maybe next time.

Our friends eventually needed to head north again, to take up their volunteer duties working at the Kiwana's Malt Stand. We waved good-bye with plans to connect again, after their work shift ended.

Thus, we pause with the first section of our State Fair Friday Report. Coming up in my next installment: idle wandering and LJ Friends!

state fair

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