It Is Tuesday Morning...

Aug 20, 2019 06:41

Do you know what THAT means?????!!!!!!!!

THAT means we need to get through today, which leads to Wednesday; getting through Wednesday leads to Thursday; and putting Thursday behind us means:


We are so excited! Only 3 days to work through ... then we spend our looonnnnnng day at THE FAIR! I've got my electric scooter reserved, without which I can barely last half the morning--now that arthritis has had it's evil way with so many of my joints/appendages. Thank goodness (and Hometown Mobility) for those great enablers!

Tentative plans to hook up with LJ friend mrdreamjeans probably need a little bit of clarifying. I'm thinking thespian15 might possibly be there, and wouldn't it be super cool to finally meet Jon in person AT THE STATE FAIR?

We're also expecting to spend some time with the couple from St. Louis who adopted one of our keesie foster dogs. The husband grew up in St. Paul. They periodically come up to visit family, and this time they will be honoring his family tradition of working a shift at the Kiwanis malt stand at the Fair. After which, we're expecting to hook up. MyJeff is in charge of organizing that one. He also is the connection for another couple we may be spending a little time with there. One of the upper level managers at the company where MyJeff works approached him last week to let him know that he and his wife will be at the Fair this Friday and are open to meeting up with us. Soooo, who knows? We may even touch base with job-related big shots. *hee* Imagine us hanging out with corporate Bigwigs, chomping corn dogs or wandering through the Horticulture Building or "ooohhing" over crafts in the Creative Arts Building... It is a little bit unlikely, but they are a nice couple (we sat at the same table back at the company Christmas dinner), so it MIGHT happen. It might even be very nice and normal-like.

Anyway, we are definitely looking forward to That Day. Excitement mounts daily. I'm having difficulty sleeping in until my 4:45 a.m. daily alarm. Was up by 4:10 this morning (which is how I've found time to actually post on LJ!!!). Tomorrow I'll try to get another post up, if I awaken early again. We had a nice weekend and I took pictures so will try for a report on that--illustrated!

Enjoy your day, my friends, while looking forward to whatever fun/interesting plans you may have for future days.

state fair, good times, anticipation

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