State Fair Redux

Sep 21, 2018 06:04

Okay, my friends, here goes a quick *wave-hello* and some more photos from the State Fair. Work is good, but I come home tired and without energy for anything creative or--you know: productive. Not really getting into much of an improving groove, YET. I'll get there. To be honest: the arthritis and its attendant pain have been romping rampant through my joints with the changing season booster, making the every-step pain factor escalate and occasionally prompting thigh muscle cramps. The increased pain factor is probably what is tiring me out more than work.

Meanwhile . . .

Most of these photos were from our second trip to the State Fair. When we again contended with rainstorms, managing to get rather thoroughly drenched near the beginning of the day and mostly drying out through the day.

Do you remember the photos of the big floral kaleidescopes in the Horticultural Building from a couple of years ago? Fortunately, the smart folks there keep bringing them back.

Grownups and children, alike, were fascinated by these brilliant pieces and the beauty they showcase. Below is my favorite of the three plantings; followed by a shot of the same flower bowl, rotating and through the kaleidescope lens. Then a shot of one of the other bowls. I don't remember why I didn't photograph the 3rd bowl.

I so WANT one of these in my yard (well, really I want one in my solarium, but since I don't HAVE a solarium . . .) with a professional to maintain it. Free, of course.

The Horticultural Building's rotunda is always decorated by local floral shops, based on a theme with each competitor embellishing one section. This year's theme spotlighted The Seasons. My two favorites: Autumn, whimsically recreating some "Night Before Christmas" characters. And Spring, with upended floral umbrellas suspended above a display of plants. Fancy that my favorite displays reflected my favorite seasons.

The Minnesota State Fairgrounds (and buildings) hold many pieces of art, decoration, and really neat fiddley-bits. Some day MyJeff and I should take The Boys on a non-event wander of the grounds just taking photos of some of the neatiosities. Then, of course, post them here.

On the west side of the Grandstand building, these art bikes provide a pleasant surprise for those who remember to look upwards. For some reason, they make me smile.

Below is a sun-flared shot of the 50+ year-old floral Liberty Bell that sits just outside The Peg, our favorite State Fair restaurant which is situated on the outer rim of the Horticultural Building. Just to the left of the Bell you can see a little boy in a red shirt. Said little boy and his two little friends were having a great time chasing each other around and around and around the Bell--occasionally throwing themselves to the grass for a moment or two, while the 2 women I presume were their mothers sat, talking and resting on a nearby bench. The little boys were pretty entertaining.

This one is a flashback to our first day at the 2018 State Fair. Shortly after breakfast at The Peg that Friday, we noticed a Stage schedule sign that made us chuckle--Senior Citizens that we are:

Or, are we the only ones who find the term "Revival" applied to the '90s as rather amusing? Perhaps in a wry and self-defensive manner ... ?

Finally. As we crossed the parking lot on our way to the bus back to the old Ford Plant station where we'd left The Mighty Steed, I paused to watch and try to capture some of the light show produced by the Giant Ferris Wheel MyJeff had photographed for you on our first trip.

Of course, static photos can't begin to capture the almost dazzling fun of the moving light show. The spinning spiral, star, smiley face, and more with the changing colors is fascinating. And HUGE.

While we stood there with my attention focused (not intending the pun, but what other word could I use?) through the camera, I heard a voice say, "There! At the State Fair with my Aunt and Uncle! You don't mind, do you?" And MyJeff replying, "No problem." I lowered the camera in time to glimpse a young man turning away, grinning and waving his smart phone. A quizzical look to MyJeff got me a shrug and, "He just stopped and snapped a selfie with us and left. You heard him."

The State Fair is an entertaining and a mysterious place and time.

state fair, photos

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