Early Christmas Holiday Visit in Dakota

Dec 21, 2017 21:07

After arriving at my sister's farm in North Dakota around 8 p.m. last Thursday evening and unloading luggage etc. into the "old" farmhouse/hunting house, we trotted across the farm yard to sister's new house to indulge in some catch-up conversation. The four of us stayed up much later than we should have.

Friday MyJeff and I went to the nearby town New Rockford to see my mom. We arrived at the Home of the Good Shepherd during the facility's Christmas party with live music by the Dakota Playboys. Good music, too. Two other sisters and their husbands were already there with Mom. Santa arrived and distributed gifts to every resident. (This particular Santa is occasionally known as my eldest brother Peter.) Another sister arrived, as well. Much visiting and conversation occurred.

Saturday we returned to New Rockford to spend more time with Mom and meet up with siblings and some of their offspring, again. Annnnd . . .  to be oh-so surprised with a little party for MyJeff and me in celebration of our wedding. I'd commented to MyJeff the night before that the family was acting oddly and I was a tad curious as to what they might be up to. There are photos to follow further on.

They didn't insist on any of the REALLY embarassing little games or anything, although my one niece had come up with an old-and-borrowed-from-someone-else/new-to-me blue scarf and a headdress with longish veil that I had to wear for a while. We received cards and gifts. And there was some excellent food. Niece Jean promised to send me the recipe for the nummy little weinies wrapped in bacon and baked with a barbecue sauce. Mmmmm. ('Scuse me. Gotta wipe up some drool here.) I'm still waiting for said recipe, but decided to give her at least until this coming Saturday before I send a reminder email. Also chomped some of my favorite chocolate crinkle cookies that I haven't had in a long time.

On Sunday, my hostess sister and her husband took us to a small cafe in another nearby town for the Sunday Buffet. Oh, wow! I even enjoyed the broccoli floret salad! GREAT deviled eggs. MIGHTY tasty breaded chicken. Excellent, comforting cream-broth chicken noodle soup. And more. The fish wasn't marvelous, but it was definitely good. Too bad that buffet is 7 hours or so away.

After eating, MyJeff and I drove to visit Mom one more time and we kept her entertained by reading aloud from an old copy of Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verse. Mom has always loved poetry, with The Swing as one of her very favorites. At Mom's supper time, we left and stopped for a couple of hours at niece Jean's house for a bit more conversation and--as it turned out--supper.

We returned to Minneapolis late Monday evening after delaying at the Home Farm for visiting over fresh ham and cheese omelette breakfasts. Overall, the trip was filled with family, food, and poetry. A good way to spend a long weekend.

This photo was taken at the facility party on Friday. Me on the left at the back. Sister Annette (hostess) next. Sister Carol, our eldest, at the back on the right. Sister Alyce in front on left. Mom is in the middle with Santa (brother Peter) on the right.

The rest of the photos are all from the wedding party.

Niece Jean decking me out with matrimonial finery. I believe I forgot to mention the 9 peacock feather bouquet (nine eyes to represent my nine siblings spying watching over me).

MyJeff and me:

(I think he looks like he's holding on to me and my arm to keep me from bolting. Am I imagining things? What do you think?)

Youngest nevvie Harrison, youngest brother Paul, Jean again, brother Richard hidden in back, sister Dianne:

Me visiting with Mom and Peter:

Sister-in-law Debora and sister Annette who put us up on her and her husband Steve's farm.

3 brothers-in-law out of 5. Steve, Jim, George. Characters all...

Had to get brother Richard in here. Sorry it's not the best photo. And sister Dianne again.

We're opening cards/gifts. And laughing at the jokes.

If you went through all the photos, you are a brave and dedicated reader. Thank you for your time and attention.

Now we step back into our daily lives and try to adjust to my changing schedule with the upcoming tax season. It's coming soon!

family, photos, north dakota, christmas

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