Glorious Morn!

Aug 30, 2017 06:11

I've taken each morning opportunity to star-gaze and soak in what tranquility I can absorb over the last several days (when it was NOT raining). This week is pretty tense with work-study deadlines (which I think I'm going to miss, although I'm working on it--tomorrow is the deadline), a "group interview" meeting also today, pressure to bring in the revenue! at work, dealing with our personal financial issues, poor sweet Vinnie suffering from what we believe to be pollen/etc allergies that have him scratching and licking and crying (and waking us up a couple/few times every night), and so on.

But . . . this morning the sky is clear and generously speckled with lovely, glittering stars. Well . . . "generously" for our urban back yard. Orion stands out brilliantly, having traveled upward from the eastern horizon approximately one-and-a-half fists from his early morning position when I first spotted him a few weeks ago. The interfering maple in the neighbors' yard appears to suffer thinning leaves since Venus is a bit easier to watch and enjoy even while she's amongst the maple's branches. City noise is subdued; and the crisp air at 57F (~14C) feels wonderful from under a polar fleece lap blanket.

I just stepped back out to check on the morning sky situation and find Venus clear of the maple and glowing marvelously! From just below the horizon, the rising sun has over-powered the light of all other stars. Only Venus still shines in the glorious morning sky.

Have yourselves a fantastic day, my friends.


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