Blurring Along with the December Express

Dec 08, 2016 20:49

A few days ago, my Office Manager commented in an email, "December is going to be a blur. Buckle up, Buttercup!"

I attended the "Welcome" meeting followed by First Year Tax Pro additional training (and a test or two) up at the District Office this morning and into early afternoon. There are more online courses I need to continue taking as this month powers along its track. This Tax Pro training thing is pretty much ongoing into and during the first couple of months of the new tax season coming up. With updates and refreshers turning up each year. As well as the annual "Continuing Education" that Tax Pros are required to take every year.

Next week I'll be working basically full time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday helping to cover two offices for supply deliveries and such. While awaiting the deliveries, I'll be working on that previously mentioned online training. Then on Thursday afternoon, I have another Instructor-Led class at still another office in the afternoon. The week after that I have I-L classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and the same the last week of the month.

And then it is 2017!

Holy Roly, Rocketman! We've already shot through the rest of the month!

It just gets curiouser and curiouser. And blurrier and blurrier . . .

training, work, time

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