Apr 13, 2005 10:42
What is your most treasured possession and why?
As an automatic response, any seeker asked this would say that their wings are their most valuable thing. But these are actually part of our design. A physical attribute. It would have to be the result of serious battle damage, or a painful attack from another, if we were to 'loose' our wings. But they could still be repaired/replaced, even though the time inbetween would feel like an eternity.
The possession I do own that no other seeker could brag about, are my twin swords. I also am trained in the arts of Circuit-su, a are martial art fighting style common on Cybertron. These are similar to China's king-fu and shaolin styles. While I don't rely on my swords alone to win the fight, I do appreciate the edge they give me. They are simple, and they don't boost my power tenfold like how other weapons do for today's generation of Transformers. I am the one who pours power into them, so that they have the edge to cut through thick armor or walls of alloy composite. They are my tools, my identity. My first line of defense if I am confronted when in robot mode. I would feel naked if they were destroyed.