Vid: "Till You Love Me" - Reba McEntire - (Walter/Mika)

Dec 20, 2010 04:45

Type of Gift: Vid
Author/Artist: dualbunny
Recipient: theonlyspl
Pairing: Walter/Mika
Rating: G
Summary: "I'll do all that I can to catch that ghost of a chance..."
Notes: I know vids weren't technically on the list of gifts, but they're not really that different from fanart in the end. ;) And I did see an "etc." somewhere around in the rules... *g* I love Walter a really really lot, so I was very happy to try and make something with him and Mika in it. Hope you enjoy, TheOnlySPL!

Downloads: 47 MB (848 x 480) XviD (The Big One) --- 23 MB (640 x 480) MP4 (The iPod One)

recipient: theonlyspl, type: fanvid, gifter: dualbunny, pairing: walter/mika

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