Jan 04, 2008 15:34
For Christmas
R. gave me the missing # 1 & #2 Krishnamurti dialogs in our collection.
"...The description is not the described..."
a quote from the dialog
J. Krishnamurti had with Dr. A. Andersen in 1974...
~the critique is not that which is criticized
~the measurement is not that which is measured
~the judgment is not that which is judged
~the non-dualized is not the Non-dual
It is astounding to me that the Western Christian world
so often brushes off Hinduism as a "multi-God religion"
when Advaita is such an extraordinary part of Hinduism...
and that the reality of Christ...is such an extraordinary part of both Advaita & Hinduism...
This is truly parochial of the West....I think...
Of course,
this is just
...a description
is not
...the described.
The mind is what it is....