Aug 14, 2003 11:20
Oh my Goodness, I've forgotten about updating because it's been so mad here lately!
Mrs Malfoy? Weetzie is all right now. Oh it was horrible when I found her, she was covered in blood and her little legs were broken! She was curled up on the ground outside on the Alley and NO ONE WOULD HELP HER. I hate people sometimes because okay maybe she IS a house-elf but she was HURT and it's not so hard to just, you know, STOP and HELP. But I levitated her with my wand up to our flat and went and got my mum and she was brilliant. Professor Lupin was here too and then one of his other house-elves called Puggy turned up to help Weetzie get well.
Anyway she's well now and keeps bursting into tears because she wants to go home but Puggy told her Professor Lupin isn't there anymore, and she's ever so distraught over THAT. Professor Lupin won't let me send her over to his flat at the Cauldron either, so I am not certain what to do with Weetzie now. Mum likes it because they keep doing chores because it makes them feel better.
OH and PUGGY is so sweet because he keeps giving Weetzie all of the "good" chores which is the hard ones. He let her clean the toilet this morning and I thought she was going to snog him silly. I think we have a house-elf romance!!!
OI SNAPE your cat's doing very well, though when I gave her the evening puffskein she sort of looked at me and said "Jarvey." YOUR CAT TALKS SNAPE. I had to go find a Jarvey for her and now that's all she will eat and they are not easy to find!! What do I do now!?
Ginny princess, is your mum all right? I saw her journal about all that and I hope everything works out. Bloody Parkinson!! How's your dad? Are you okay? Did you still want to come for a visit? Mum would still love to meet you. And I miss you too of course.
Got to go back to work now. Got an owl from Charlie about the apprenticeship. It starts 1 September like school does and Mum is letting me go! So I have to work a bit more and save some gold for the trip to Romania. I get to stay with Charlie until they can find me something permanent on the grounds. it will be so brilliant to finally work with real DRAGONS!!