New Vid: Confessor

Oct 19, 2009 15:10

So I just got hooked on this show last week and promptly watched all 22 episodes in three days very quickly. It's incredibly inspiring and one of my flisters *cough* hollywoodgrrl *cough* suggested that I should post it here as well! I'm glad to find this group and I can't wait to explore. :)

Title: Confessor
Vidder: marimba26
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Richard/Kahlan
Size: 52 MB
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 1
Summary: The Confessor's mission is to find and protect the first true Seeker in 1000 years so that he may fulfill his destiny as told in a prophecy at the time of his birth. Kahlan is duty-bound as a confessor to protect him as he completes his quest. She doesn't expect to fall in love with him though and as they move toward completion of his mission, it is their forbidden love that will eventually bring down Darken Rahl and fulfill the Seeker's destiny.

Also downloadable in a much prettier copy at

Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! Feedback is loved and craved. :)

ETA: Sorry about so excited I didn't read.  *hangs head in shame*

character: kahlan, vidder: marimba26

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