My baby boy is 2 and 3/4 now, and he's got some vids he loves so much that when I play them, he'll shove me (on my rolly chair) out of the way so he can see better.
The first of these is the infamous CaramellDancing vid.
Click to view
The next is the long and mezmerizing Sesame Street Number count that won't let me embed it
HERE Last but not least, the hip-waggling Starscream dance video!
Click to view
Ok, so I admit, he'll watch anything with G1 Starscream in it. Oh, and movieverse Devestator.
I own the original TF movie, TF1 and TF2, and the entire G1 TV series. Wanna guess how often he watches 'em? *facepalm* It's gotten to the point where we have to keep those DVDs on the top of the fridge where he can't reach them.
The boxed TV set we keep upstairs in the bedroom, and at least once a month he manages to sneak upstairs really quietly and climb up on the desk to grab the box. I usually catch up with him in time to confront him at the top of the stairs, holding the box and giggling. If I take the box away without getting at least 1 DVD from it, I'm then treated to a temper tantrum that will last a half hour.
Heh. Another Tranformers fan. Train 'em young, kids, train 'em young.