I was just randomly reading livejournals and I found this quiz in one of them. I thought it was amusing, which "file extention" are you? I found it amusing because the person who's livejournal I found this in actually got one of my favourite extentions (and possibly one of the most useful!), the .* (wildcard) extention.
The .* is useful (particularly if you've used DOS) when you're trying to find something. Like, I can't remember what extention I gave my file which I called seejay. NO PROBLEM! You've got the * to use. So you just go the the prompt and put
C:\>Dir seejay.*
and providing your file is located in the C:\ root directory, you'll find your file! There's / switches that you can use to search in sub directories and stuff, but there's not many people who even know how to just use the plain DIR search function now anyways.
That's alot of crapping on for me, and I'm only doing it cos it's 17:30 and I'm bored as shit. I think I'm going to go play Sims2 for a while.
Ohh by the way, here's what I got on the test (notice I didn't actually get the wildcard lol) I am a super-cool movie file.
You are .mpg You live life like it was a movie. Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.
Which File Extension are You? In other news today, Pat just tells me that the kettle is fucked. It won't boil, but the little red light on the top is still working? Hmm... strange. Not bad considering I think Dean bought that kettle for about $20.00c and that was around about 14 months ago. The same time that he bought our decrepid toaster and other abused kitchen appilances.
The toaster was abused multiple times by our former housemate, Brooke, who wasn't the most responsible with that kind of thing, and the kettle was just faithful, even though over the last month I have been expecting it to die, because the inside was practically black, and I've been meaning to clean it, but really!? Who cleans their kettle? Especially a $20 kettle! Poor kettle, will be laid to rest in the blue-lidded bin in the back yard later on tonight when I can be bothered to unplug it and take it away. It will go to a better place next Thursday morning, providing I remember to put the bin on the curb for collection.