Hello, Internet.

Apr 13, 2007 21:49

Things are interesting at work. I’m working closely with executives on a new pilot program that may be eventually rolled out company-wide. They selected me out of ~250 sales agents to do this.

It’s strange being invited to conference calls with executives and R&D people and have them say “we just wanted to bounce a couple of ideas off you to see what you think.” They even call me sometimes at my desk from home office in IL.

I feel like Peter in Office Space “I got a meeting with the Bobs in a few…” “I wasn’t aware of a meeting with them…” “Yeah, they called me at home.”

Hopefully a nice $40-50k R&D position will come out of this since they like me so much. Then I can leave this peon job as a sales agent!

Of course, the week following me spending $600 on a nice road bike, there’s been shit for weather when I am available to ride. Hopefully I will get a couple of good weather in the hours before the storms roll in early afternoon tomorrow. If any of you bike kids want to ride on good country roads tomorrow morning before 3PM, let me know.

I am finally beginning to financially recoup three months after the move… My tax return is on its way (yeah I’ve been lazy/busy) in the next week or so, which is going directly to credit cards. It will feel so awesome to be out of debt again.

I have some material together to do another Open Mic - last time was at the Comedy Zone in Matthews, most likely will make another go in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

My body these past two months has been battered relentlessly with alcohol and cigarettes with each following day me waking up in pain and feeling/looking like shit asking: “why?”

My ¾ year resolutions are:

* Ride every week at least 8 hours
    * Go to the gym at least 3 days/week
    * Finish my AA
    * Go to Sicily to visit relatives
          o If not Sicily, then Germany, London or some place tropical :]
    * Ride for at least 12 hours of the 24 Hours of Booty (www.24hoursofbooty.com)

Motivation is elusive.

Off this weekend. Call me to git up.
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