Oct 07, 2006 03:42
I still don't know what draws me to Taco Bell late nights to the drive through. Oh yeah, Blake. All that I want is a post-midnight explosive diarrhea caused by food that's texture and smell is basically post-midnight explosive diarrhea wrapped in a tortilla.
I'm sans car for about a week. Read below for more info. There's some dankness going on this weekend, but unless you guys want to be totally awesome and pick my ass up and bring me to where the cool kids are at, I'll be doing laundry, cleaning and watching old DVDs. Maybe I'll ride my bike to the ABC store and buy me some whisky and get up-fucked... By myself. Did someone say alcoholism?
I noticed myself starting to get "thicker-" not really to 'fatness' quality yet - but it got me going to the gym 3-4 times a week. It feels good - more energetic during the day and I'm actually tired late at night (ignore the fact that I'm up at 4AM right now for no goddamn reason). I want to get really cut. Shouldn't be too hard now that I have something to work with, where I was skinny as shit before with nothing to build with. Whatev...
The house is delayed until March, maybe even April. At the very least, that will give me more time to save up for a fat down payment so I have a low monthly mortgage to finance. Hey, fuck you, I'm trying to be an optimist here.
I feel more comfortable here talking on LiveJournal. Maybe it's because fucking EVERYONE is on MySpace including the CIA, FBI and small business employers skulking around the digital shadows of their employees' pages to see if they can find any dirt to can their ass. Or... Maybe it's that Rupert Murdoch now owns a site that is a primary portal to the online world with 4.5% of all internet traffic worldwide (more hits than Google and Yahoo combined), housing a wealth of information waiting to be data mined for millions.
I'm going to do something.
Something good. Maybe something big. Stay tuned.
[00:23] Michael Brown: blake told me you got in an accident.
[00:23] Michael Brown: what happened?
[00:23] surfwacks: no I didn't
[00:24] surfwacks: didn't set the parking brake quite all the way
[00:24] surfwacks: and it slowly rolled to its demise into a 10ft ditch
[00:24] surfwacks: took a nose dive into a tree
[00:24] Michael Brown: lol really?
[00:24] Michael Brown: he used it as an excuse for turning a paper in late.
[00:24] Michael Brown: but i could've sworn he said it was actually true.
[00:24] Michael Brown: and he said you did about $2000 damage to your car.
[00:24] surfwacks: Nope. It wasn't as bad as it looked. only ~$1300 to fix it
[00:24] Michael Brown: oh ok.
[00:25] surfwacks: I wanted to get the front end re-painted cause the guy before me did a shitty job
[00:25] surfwacks: anywa
[00:25] surfwacks: just cosmetic damage: new hood, bumper, bumper frame, light lenses
[00:28] Michael Brown: how much did insurance pay for?
[00:32] surfwacks: $0
[00:32] surfwacks: I don't want them to
[00:32] surfwacks: they'd surcharge the shit out of me for 3 years
[00:32] surfwacks: it'd be filed as at fault and in the end it would be waaay more than $1300
[00:32] Michael Brown: yeah.
[00:33] surfwacks: I have enough money, it's fine
[00:33] surfwacks: I found everything I need on ebay
[00:33] surfwacks: except...
[00:33] surfwacks: the fucking healight assembly is hard as fuck to find
[00:33] surfwacks: the 2 places that have it are asking the same price
[00:33] surfwacks: $245
[00:34] surfwacks: gay
[00:34] surfwacks: thats for 1
[00:34] surfwacks: everything else is pretty cheap
[00:34] surfwacks: $8-100