Mar 13, 2008 23:23
things that currently suck...
-this odd fever i keep getting off and on. its like i'm chilled than i'm sweating then im chilled again.
-how every time i blink the room fucking shakes
-how sleep causes me (when it does happen) to have beyond scary dreams
-how i can't really sleep. i slept four hours last night
-how for some reason sitting upright is some how worse than standing or laying down
-how every sound makes me want to punch someone.
-how my emotions are competely all over the place. im weeping on minute and then not the next.
-how while going through withdrawal i have the fine luck of also having pms. hey god seriously cut me some slack.
-how i can not fucking drive or walk for prolonged periods of time. like today was beautiful and all i wanted to do was go out or something. maybe go to a bookstore or get a naked drink from whole foods. or finally get my ass back to kzoo. really anything would be nice right about now.
-still having this odd sensation whenever i move my head or eyes that makes me feel like im gonna fall over.
okay seriously. these thing = holy fucked up! how on earth is this drug on the market!!!!!! and i keep reading that this shit can last up to two weeks. TWO WEEKS! i was actually going to make the med switch when i was in florida but then i was like no it may make my stomach upset. seriously i would glady trade this shit for a poopy stomach.
okay so things that do not suck...
-cheesecake from trader joes
-omega 3 pills that help with the dizzyness but make me have gross fishy burps. it almost made me spew yesterday.
- watching pirated movies online
-hot british men
-cheezy as hell dance movies.