Be Sollux Captor

Dec 18, 2010 12:04

Player Name: Quix
Personal LJ: kittyquixotic
E-mail: merging(dot)duality(at)gmail(dot)com
AIM: uncannyArtisan
Other characters currently in-game: None.
Who referred you to the game?: A forum friend.

Character Name: Sollux Captor

Canon source: Homestuck

Personality: Sollux is a creature of contradictions, largely resulting from his crippling bipolar disorder and his affinity for bifurcation. On the average day he comes across as casual and composed, with a "cool guy" exterior and a snarky attitude. In an upswing he could be called confident if not straight up arrogant - in these moments he's clever and he knows it, and isn't afraid to let other people know it either.

Unfortunately, in a downswing this attitude is completely polarized. Instead of confidence, he's suddenly got crushing depression and self loathing, where nothing he does is ever enough and everything is his fault. Unfortunately, this transition can occur neigh instantaneously given proper provocation.

Sollux has been described as a "Knight in Sour Armour" archetype on account of the fact that despite trying to do the right thing and generally having a good heart, the universe has played him for a total sucker and he's understandably bitter about it. He's died painfully once already, been psychically compelled to kill his girlfriend, and accidentally murdered his own caretaker during one of his psychic meltdowns. And that's only for starters.

These experiences weigh down on him, showing up in the form of a sort of bitter apathy towards situations he understands to be hopeless. Which, up till recently, has been his entire life. He has a low tolerance for things he considers to be wastes of time, and even less tolerance for people who annoy him.

On the flip side, though, to people he cares about he's been shown to be a loyal friend. In a good mood he can actually be quite friendly, prone to teasing and sarcastic banter. Trouble is, one can never be sure how long this attitude will last.

History: Sollux's wiki page. Alternia's wiki page. Sburb/Sgrub's wiki page.

Psionics: Sollux is a high level psionic, a power which usually manifests in a variety of blue and red fireworks with the occasional showing of purple when he's really riled up. Telekinesis is the most major component of this, used for things like levitating himself and other objects, along with a set of extremely destructive bi-coloured psionic lasers he shoots from his eyes. He also seems to have the ability to put people and other creatures to sleep by snapping his fingers. Whether or not the finger snapping is necessary or just looks cool is unknown.

Vision Twofold: Unlike the traditional blind prophet, Sollux has vision twofold. This basically means that along with seeing like a normal person, he also has horrifying visions of the future. They rarely involve things that aren't people dying en masse or other related travesties, and their visits leave him with absolutely murderous migraines. Besides that, he has the more consistent ability to hear the screams of the imminently deceased. This extra sense is generally not all that useful for anything besides making him miserable, and letting him know when bunches of people are going to bite it.

Computer Hacking: Sollux can do things with computers that defy conventional reality. Seriously. Coding on Alternia seems to function more like voodoo magic than anything else. One of his most disastrous viruses being accidentally run resulted in the deaths of all eleven of his friends' caretakers (and his own), as well leaving a nasty curse of doom upon the surviving orphans. Besides more ambiguous uses like that, he can also program computers into doing just about anything in a traditional sense, along with hacking holes through dimensional fabric. Suffice to say, Sollux is a hacker extraordinaire, and likely in a more bizarrely potent way than would be normally possible on Earth.

Bipolar: Sollux's psychology is a messed up place, and causes a lot of problems for him, mostly in the form of crippling mood swings. While sometimes he can be friendly or even arrogant, it comes with the inverse reaction of him suddenly becoming so overwhelmed with depression and insecurity that he is incapable of functioning. Needless to say, the emotional rollercoaster of his life is exhausting for both him and the people around him.

Lack of confidence: He has a habit of irrationally doubting himself, even when there is no reason to. For example, despite his unrivaled computer skills on Alternia, he still considers himself to be an insufficient programmer. This also shows up in interactions with other people, where he will go from arguing to apologizing in five seconds flat. If blame can be placed somewhere, he will likely put it on himself.

Beam Seizures (AKA psychic meltdowns): An extremely temperamental personality combined with potent psychic powers is traditionally not a good combination, and Sollux is no exception. Occasionally when under extreme stress Sollux with have a straight up psychic meltdown and explode something that didn't need exploding. A sure way to cause this is for him to eat a substance he used to cultivate called "mind honey", but thankfully he didn't bring any of that to Earth with him, and even if he could cultivate more he wouldn't want to.

Speech Impediment: Sollux speaks with a pronounced lisp. This is not particularly debilitating, but it does make him sounds awfully silly sometimes!

First Person Journal Sample:
2o thii2 ii2 the network, huh? rudiimentary, but ii gue22 it work2.

look, ii ju2t got here, and ii gather that thii2 2iituatiion ii2 not exactly uncommon 2o ii'm not goiing to go on 2ome big pleadiing rant about how per2onally offended ii am about iit. ok? ii'm over that. ii've been readiing up on 2tuff 2o ii've ba2iically got the gii2t of iit. bleed2 iin realiity, iinterdiimen2iional refugee2, etc.

whoever made your uniiver2e diid a 2hiitty job. unle22 thii2 ii2 our uniiver2e. fuck, ii hope not. that'd be fuckiing embara22iing.

anyway, here ii2 the iimportant thiing: ha2 anyone on here 2een any gray 2kiinned, orange horned, black haiired people 2how up on here? iif you have, ii really need two know. ii don't know iif any have, but...ju2t tell me iif you've 2een any. iit'2 iimportant.

al2o where can ii get a non-2hiit computer, becau2e thii2 phone thiing ii2 riidiiculou2ly terriible.

Third Person Sample:
Sollux was unsure of how to feel as he left lab he'd just woken up in, clutching his newly acquired cellphone and bundle of spare clothes. In his case, 'unsure' mostly meant 'wildly swapping between two extremes.'

On one side of the emotional arena was an odd sensation of hope and relief he hadn't felt in ages. Maybe being on "Earth" or whatever meant he wasn't going to die anymore. As far as he knew, he was no longer being hunted by the demon. He was no longer trapped in a null session. He didn't even have to deal with those stupid human players anymore, despite the fact that he'd somehow ended up somewhere that looked a lot like their pre-Reckoning planet. It was hard to imagine things being worse than the situation he'd just left, so maybe he was better off.

However, just as he was thinking to himself that maybe things weren't so bad after all, the negative side of his emotional spectrum came diving in with a brutal roundhouse kick.

He may have been alive and theoretically unscathed, but all his friends and everything he'd worked for was still back in the Veil without him. And they were still going to die.

"Shit," he mumbled to himself, suddenly feeling terrible for having felt at all optimistic about the situation in the first place. It was so stupid and selfish. How could he feel happy about anything when they were all still trapped there? "Stupid, stupid, asshole..."

He pushed open the doors to the outside, and was immediately almost blinded by the harsh sunlight. He jumped back out of its reach with a hiss of disapproval, shielding his eyes with his forearm. Trolls weren't quite vampires, but as a nocturnal race this kind of broad daylight was unpleasant at best.

Grumbling to himself a bit more, he made the dash from the shade of the labs to the next unoccupied building he could find. Settling down in the shadows and hoping that no one would bother him, he gave in to curiousity and began rifling through the cellphone's network.

If this was the best computer he could have at the moment, he was going to make it work for him.

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