A few news items from Down Under

Aug 24, 2007 10:14

The Baxter Detention Centre closed on Monday. "It stopped overt protest but it didn't stop the crippling psychological damage of detention," [researcher] Dr Steel said. "In terms of the wellbeing of detainees, they couldn't see out, they could only see up."

A Sydney pub was busted for refusing entry to islanders (such as Samoans and Maori) and people of Middle Eastern appearance.

Australian Muslims may be more afraid of the rest of us than vice versa. A co-author of the National Fear Survey commented: "Where non-Muslim Australians may have a fear of travel on planes, Muslims had a fear of going out of the house, of going out into the community. There is a fear of government, distrust of the media and the [consequent] closure of the [Muslim] community is quite worrying."

One factor in the high rate of suicide amongst Aboriginal men may be that they feel trapped between two cultures. The SMH comments: "This propels the issue of masculinity to the forefront of the suicide risk factors, alongside other factors such as social dysfunction, poverty, high levels of unemployment, geographic isolation, limited access to health resources, sexual abuse, poor literacy, disease and the effects of alcohol and other drugs."

And in White news: Macquarie University, is offering accent coaching so you can achieve a "cultivated Australian accent".

of middle eastern appearance, islamophobia, whiteness, indigenous peoples, australia, refugees and asylum seekers

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