Labor acts to close Aboriginal health gap, 3 July 2009
Australian of the Year Professor Mick Dodson
criticises the government's indigenous health targets: "The shortest timeline to achieve any one of these targets is a decade. And several of the targets are not about achieving equality, but merely a 50 per cent reduction of the present levels of inequality.". SMH, 10 June 2009
Indigenous child abuse 'under reported', SMH, 28 May 2009
$3.8m over four years to fight indigenous diabetes, Australian, 6 May 2009
Numbers of Indigenous GPs, registered nurses and health students all rising, AIHW press release, 23 April 2009
How the NT intervention is harming children, Crikey, 23 March 2009
"The intervention has made no health difference": GP Crikey, 11 March 2009
Indigenous violence taskforce closed to save $4m, SMH, 27 February 2009
Finally, a report published in January by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and downloadable for free:
Measuring the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples And another from the Productivity Commission:
Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (ETA: A news item describes the