(no subject)

Nov 14, 2007 20:46

With the federal election just around the corner, the Christian Democratic Party, headed by Fred Nile, has been popping their leaflets through our letterbox. Frankly, their language is frightening.

"The CDP is calling on the next government to implement a social impact study on Sharia Law and Muslims in Australia. While performing this task, the CDP policy of a 10-year moratorium [on Islamic immigration] then gives the 340,000 Muslims already living in Australia the opportunity to show that they obey Australian laws and embrace the Australian way of life."

A simple change of the wording alerts us to exactly what we're dealing with here:

"The CDP is calling on the next government to implement a social impact study on Halaka (Jewish Law) and Jews in Australia. While performing this task, the CDP policy of a 10-year moratorium [on Jewish immigration] then gives the 84,000 Jews already living in Australia the opportunity to show that they obey Australian laws and embrace the Australian way of life."

You got it - the singling out of a religious and ethnic minority for special scrutiny, the presumption of guilt, and unequal treatment under the law.

If my changing the CDP's words seems like cheating, there's an essay on Fred Nile's Web site entitled "The Muslim Problem and What to Do about It", which refers to the "Islamic cancer", etc. That absolutely gobsmacked me. Do they realise the language they're echoing?

islamophobia, fred nile and cdp, immigration, australia

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