[ooc: App Post!/Information Post]

Jan 01, 2000 08:48

1. YOUR NAME Masheli
2. YOUR EMAIL masheli.seraphic@gmail.com
3. YOUR JOURNAL seraphic

4. CHARACTER NAME Alicia 'Fate' Testarossa
5a. FANDOM/ SERIES Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
5b. CHOSEN SUPER-POWER Precognitition - Fate can see into the future, and has the potential to see an event up to a month ahead of time with hard focus. Minor things often come to her in dreams she has a hard time remembering.
6a. POSITION [student or teacher?] Student, first year


Alicia Testarossa was born to a single mother who lived close enough to Herlie to make routine grocery trips, but far enough away that it could almost be considered isolated. Alicia's mother, Precia, was fairly rich thanks to clever use of her own power to manipulate memory, and similarly clever marketing of said powers to very rich clients. Until Alicia turned eight, everything was fairly idyllic and happy, with Precia and Alicia living with their maid, Linith, in relative isolation. Shortly after she turned eight, Alicia started slowly falling ill, and her mother started cracking around the seams. Roughly around that time, Precia found out she was pregnant and very nearly aborted her second child, but decided against it when her older child expressed a desire for a little sibling. Three days before Fate was born, Alicia finally died, and Precia finally did snap, though not in any ways that were readily appearant to the medical staff. Instead, Precia named her second child for her first, and retreated back to her home with the healthy baby girl in tow. Precia raised her second child much the same as her first, but there were obvious personality differences- Fate, perhaps in some unconscious reaction to the changes in Precia, grew up to be a more serious child than the original Alicia Testarossa.

Eventually, as the differences grew more and more pronounced, Precia's patience for her second child grew dangerously thin, and she attempted- and succeeded- at forcing the memories she had gathered from Alicia right before her birth onto Fate, overriding Fate's own memories. Even this did not change Fate's behavior, and Precia's sanity, what shards of it were left, completely and utterly dissolved into nothing. The woman sent Fate to nearby towns to break in and steal what she thought were 'jewel seeds', in reality trinkets from various houses in the area. The ten-year-old was a quick study, and aided by occasional glimpses of what would happen in the future. When Fate failed to retrieve something, or whenever Precia thought her daughter was not making enough progress, Fate found herself whipped half to her death.

Eventually, Precia and Fate were caught, and the legal proceedings cut them apart. This was not before Precia told her second child exactly what she thought of her, and exactly how much she had despised Fate from the time she was born.


For an eleven-year-old, Fate is an oddly mature and intent young woman, serious to a fault. Due to her isolation as a child, quite a few things that most children her age would get. She is surprisingly well-educated in most academic areas, but does not seem to be aware of this fact or egotistical about it. In fact, there aren't any egotistical bones in her body. She seems to be a very quiet, self-effacing young woman, content to keep her opinions to herself. If she sees things, she keeps them to herself. She seems to half-expect to get hurt as a simple matter of course, as something that is her fault and her fault alone. She is awkward in social situations, and tends to sit on the edge of things. She is aware that the way Precia treated her is not considered normal by social standards, but is still working on attempting to figure out that entire tangled mess.

Fate tends to offer no resistance to any ideas presented to her, especially by others who have more forceful personalities or are in some position of authority. Fate is very task-oriented, and if given something to do, goes about the task with a careful plan. She is something of an impossible perfectionist- she always expects more from herself than she can actually give, but does not realize that her own expectations are completely unrealistic.


Fate carefully curled up on her new bed, knees tucked up against her chest, a pillow resting on her knees, and chin resting on the pillow. The small blonde looked down at one of her textbooks, carefully uncurling to crack open the book and scan the chapter for information- first vocabulary, then the main ideas of the chapter, and then actually reading the chapter as needed to finish her homework. Carefully, and with painfully neat and practiced handwriting, Fate began working on her homework, deep reddish-pink eyes focused on the lined paper. When she finished, she tucked her book and completed homework away with care not to make either the least bit damaged or wrinkled in any way, shape, or form.

Carefully, she slid off of her bed, turning to tug her bedding straight and return her pillow to its former position before walking off to attempt to hunt down some food. She wasn't fond of the thought of encountering other students- they were noisy and boisterous and there was something about them that just seemed unreachable for someone like her, a connection, a familiarity with some others she simply didn't have.

In point form:

▪ Taken from a rough paralell to about the end of episode eleven, with some tweaks to keep her still functional without the whole 'end-of-season battle' going on.
▪ Obsessed with pleasing her mother doesn't even cover it. The only reason Fate is functional is because she is fixated on pleasing her mother, and in denial about the fact that all of her efforts are likely for nothing.
▪ Fate is a polite take on 'raised in a barn'. Precia's home was in the middle of nowhere, and aside from some basic things she learned as a child and things that Alicia learned as a child (such as basic manners), she's... essentially clueless. Never had a very close friend! Not comfortable with 'socializing', in part because that's time she could use studying to bring her grade higher.
▪ For any potential Nanohas!: I am playing off of a loose assumption that runs semi-paralell to canon- Fate and Nanoha have had a few run-ins, and Nanoha may or may not have had something to do with Precia's arrest. Don't hesitate to hit me on AIM or e-mail me if you want to talk more about it! I don't bite!

information, ooc

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