(OOC: Kisame's about four years old or so in this, and killing for the first time; he's pretty damned cute, except for being such a violent little guy. ♥)
(Warning: Graphic-ish violence and death inflicted on a child.)
This was how you became a ninja. )
At that age, it's difficult for them to understand the consequences.
Did your parents punish you?
[He laughs though, smirking.] I got off a lot easier than they did, anyhow. I wasn't allowed out of the house for a month, I got saddled with lots of chores while I was stuck inside, and my parents gave me a ton of practice, or homework, or whatever you want to call it.
Those other kids, though.... Well, my mother wanted to have a talk with them. One dropped out of Academy soon after, and I don't even know what happened to the other one; I never did see him again.
It seems that your parents supported you, though I can't imagine what you did making you very popular with the other parents. [ chuckles a little ]
[Grins a little] That's probably why they made me practice so much, come to think of it. It stirred up a lot of shit, and I got into a ton of fights after that.
[ There's a bit of a knowing look in his eye: something old and bitter and nostalgic. ]
And they didn't give a damn that child could have killed you. Nor, I'm sure, did they protect you from the hostility afterward.
There are children here, aren't there? From your world, and from others.
It's a shame everyone's talking about war. A place like this could be a pretty positive experience, aside from the whole abduction aspect.
[ sighs a little ] I'd like to start a school... but that's no good if a siege is being laid.
[Kisame shrugs at the sigh, but sounds encouraging regardless.] But hey, why not start a school? While there isn't war outright, there's no reason not to teach people. And while a siege is being laid, it would probably be better to keep children indoors together and out of harm's way, anyway. Not like a siege would give them too much to do anyway.
[ A warm chuckle. ]
I've heard that rhetoric before, how the ninja of so-and-such aren't children. As if children that fight aren't still children. Regardless of what they can do, children still need to be taught the basics - and some normalization would probably good for their developing minds.
As things go currently, I've neither materials nor the facilities to teach properly, and even if I did... well, location would be a problem.
[He stretches hard as he listens, back letting out a satisfying pop as he settles back into place; it's something that deserves a little thought, this commentary on rhetoric. Growing up the way he has, he guesses it's no wonder that's the way he automatically thinks, and he's stil not convinced that he's entirely wrong. Still, he's at least willing to listen.]
Kids are kids, no matter how you slice it--it's just whether they're helpless or can fight that makes a difference here, because it does mean they think differently, whatever age they are. And either way, they could both benefit from whatever you can give them, even if you don't have proper materials. Doesn't Konoha have a school house somewhere? [ ( ... )
[ Griiiins. ]
Not you though. You're one of the more amicable individuals I've had the pleasure of speaking to.
You know, now that I think of it, I'm sure Konoha does have such facilities. But would it really be safe there, I wonder?
[He grins in return; Kisame is not generally the sort of guy who's antagonistic to people who aren't acting that way to him or his friends first. And while he isn't the sort to puff up and preen and make stupid mistakes, he does have his pride, and can be amenable to flattery. His tone is almost lazy now, a little more familiar.] It is kind of annoying how touchy everyone can be though, you know ( ... )
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