here is what happens when your home from work and bored..

Jul 29, 2004 22:42

name : Samantha
height : 5'6? Im not sure
hair color : Dirty Blonde
length : a lil past my shoulders
pets : none.. i wish


wearing : Old powderpuff shirt/shorts
drinking : Diet Coke
thinking about : Getting my license tomorrow
listening to : mixed cd (right now "my band")


you have a bf or gf : nope
you have a crush on someone : yeah :)
you wish you could live somewhere else : Hell yea
you think about suicide : Hell No
others find you attractive : I dont know.
you want more piercings : yeah my ears
you want more tattoos : nope, and i dont want one
you drink : nah
you do drugs : nah
you like cleaning : sometimes
you write in cursive or print : Print


your most overused phrase on AiM : lol
your thoughts first waking up : i dont know.. im still sleepy when i first wake up
first feature you notice in the opposite sex : eyes
your best physical feature : um i dunno, i dont really like anything about me
your bedtime : whenever the hell i wanna go to sleep
your most missed memory : um i dont know.. what kind of question is that??


using someone : against
killing people : against
teenage smoking : smoking what? lol kidding i think teenagers shouldn't smoke
driving drunk : VERY against
gay/lesbian relationships : if your truly happy and in love with someone,thats all that matters. who cares if its a relationship between two men or two women?


yourself : Yep
friends : Yep
santa claus : nope
tooth fairy : Nope
destiny/fate : maybe.. i dont know
angels : i dunno
ghosts : no
UFO's : nope
God : nope


pepsi or coke : coke
mcdonald or burger king : neither.. id rather have wendys
single or group dates : well seeing as i havent really been on an "offical date" yet, the i dont know
adidas or nikes : Adidas
chocolate or vanilla : chocolate
cappucino or coffee : cappuccino
Red or Blue? : Blue!
Spring or Fall? : fall

5 bands: simple plan, yellowcard, new found glory, aerosmith, standstill
5 movies: Old School, Dumb and Dumber, Walking Tall, Rush Hour 2, Day After Tomorrow
food : Mexican
thing to do : Hang out with friends, talk on phone
thing to talk about : anything pretty much
clothes : a cute skirt and shirt
holiday : Christmas, bc u get more clothes and stuff and you hang out with family


age you hope to be married: i hope to be married by 25
numbers and names of children : 2 kiddies, Conner for a boy, Elizabeth for a girl
describe your dream wedding : i dont really care about the location, maybe a beach wedding, but i want to have a gorgeous dress
how do you want to die : thats kinda creepy to think about.. i guess old and peacefully?
what do you want to be when you grow up : Don't really know yet
what country would you most like to visit : Italy, France,
England, Spain.. i wanna go all over Europe


do you ever wish you had another name : Sometimes
do you have a gf/bf : god this is depressing, no
do you like anyone : Yes
which one of your friends acts the most like you : Lauren
who have you known the longest of your friends : Lauren.. we grew up right next to each other
are you close to any family member : My Mom and sister
who do you hang around the most : prolly lauren or rachel (my two best friends)
whats the best feeling in the world : being around people i care about and just having fun
worst feeling: doing bad in school
what time is it now : 11:08 pm


flown on a plane : i wish
missed school because it was raining : hell no my mom wouldnt let me do that
told a guy/girl that you liked them : Yeah
cried during a movie : of course
ever thought an animated character was hot : nope
had an imaginary friend : no

cut your own hair : a little bit when i was little
had a crush on a teacher : up intill high school ive pretty much had female teachers, so no.

played a game that required removal of clothing : Yea
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope
been caught "doing something": lol what does "doing something" mean? is this a question for guys?
gotten beat up : yeah by my sisters when i was younger
been in a fight : no
shoplifted : nope


of times I have had my heart broken : none
of hearts I have broken? : i dont know..
of drugs taken illegally? : 0
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life : there's a few
scars : oh jesus ive had so many surgeries, i dont wanna count


Made you cry: some old ass at publix almost made me cry
You went to the movies with: a group of publix peeps
Said they were going to kill you: lol i cant remember


Been to-
Florida: i fuckin live in florida
California : God i wish!
China : nope, but i dont know if i wanna go or not
Canada : nah, dont really wanna
Wish you were the opposite sex : not really
Had an imaginary friend : for the second time no
What are you going to do after you finish this survey : take a shower
Last time you went out of the state : well last summer i went ot atlanta to see a braves game
what's on your mouse pad: an mtv logo, a gift from my aunt
Favorite board game : imaginiff
Are You Timely Or Always Late : Timely.


go to the mall: Yeah
eaten sushi : yes
been on stage : nope
been dumped : nope
gone skating :Nope
made homemade cookies : yes
been in love : nope
dyed your hair : yes, it didnt really turn out to well
stolen anything : nah


cried : no
bought something : Yeah a twix bar for break
gotten sick : yea
said I love you : no
had a serious talk : Yeah
missed someone : yeah
hugged someone : Yep
kissed someone : nope
fought with your parents : nah
dreamed about someone you can't be with : yeah
had a lot of sleep : nope, about 13 hours within the last 48 hours
wanted this survey to be over? YES
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