predictable and fickle.

Sep 15, 2007 22:20

"the brown of your eyes
shows the dirt inside
and you're just a beggin theif
you always need somebody
to keep you company.
well she'll never be me
'cus she's not worth the keep.
You just need someone to hold,
or so i'm told..
but you've got so much pride,
its impossible to hide.
yea.. she'll never be me.
cus she's not worth the keep.
You're so stylish in your deicisions
so hip and trendy
well i hope she's the candy
on your arm
because i never could be
i'm worth more than being your trophy.

yea..she'll never be me.
because i'm worth the keep."

you're fickle
and i have better things to do with my time.

like fly to california
& do something important with my life
like being a part of something bigger than ME.
to work without pay for others.. to think about OTHERS
and not myself.
but you would never understand that.
because you're the most selfish person on the planet.
and i'm starting to worry why God made you that way..
scratch that.. why he let you turn into that. you're a monster.
you're outta control.

& i still love you.
but not for long.

i'll get on that plane
i'll leave this place
i'll forget your name
& i'll forget your face.

i hope.
God, i pray.

now that's said..


i leave this thursday.. to go to california
to be an intern for TOMS shoes.
its seriously and answered prayer.
and i could not be more excited.
or scared.
but i know God has some amazing plans for me.
look how far he's gotten me!?
it amazes me.

i ask that you pray for me while i am gone!
and also, if you dont know what TOMS is..
every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is donated to a child in need.
go to that site..
fall in love..
and spread the love. :]

sorry i never update anymore.
i dont think anyone cares anyways.

krissy leigh
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