
Nov 25, 2006 20:00

this is long.
but i wrote if for those who care about the condition of me and the people i care about..

this thanksgiving was one of true meaning.

i've learned now, more than ever before how thankful i am for my family.

here's my trip to VA:
day one:
(monday) we left at four oclock in the morning to drive 8 hours from Georgia to Virginia.
as soon as we got there we drove straight to the hospital to visit mema (where i spent most of my time)
mema was doing really good when we first got there. i didnt expect her to look and sound as good as she did.
i walked into her ICU room and she looked at me and smiled and said "i got you here anyways." in slow careful, well thought out speech. she said that because we were not planning on going home this year for thanksgiving like we usually do.
i was so suprised that she could even talk.
it was wonderful.
i spent the whole day there with my mom, mostly in the waiting room, taking turns visiting her.
she started moving her right arm and her speech was slowly getting better.
i kissed her goodnight and told her i loved her, and she said "uh huh! tank you"
:) she couldnt say the words "i love you"
it was the cutest thing.

day two:
me and mom were on our way to the hospital when we got a call from my mom's mom (my other mema)
she said that mema had a really bad night.. that she had back tracked. almost as if she had another stroke.
--let me stop here and tell you that the doctors gave her a catscan after her initial stroke on sunday, however not ONE DOCTOR had spoken to my mema or uncle or anyone about her condition.--
we arrived only to find mema, not being able to speak nearly at all, and her right arm dead again.
when she DID speak she kept asking about her arm, calling it "that dumb thing" and feeling for it.
she said (in so many words) that she felt like it wasnt her body.
she'd laugh at herself for not being able to speak and then she'd start to cry.
cry because she was depressed that this was happening to her.

day three:
we arrived at the hospital to find mema in MUCH better conditions.
she was speaking again and moving her right arm.
my sister went with me and mom to visit her.
since she was in the icu room, only two visitors are allowed at a time.
so me and hannah spent our visits together.
the doctor gave me a speech sheet that had different words for her to practice..
it had all of the numbers 1-10, the days of the week, months of the year, and then sentences that she had to finish.
i coached her, and it was such an odd feeling teaching your mema how to speak.
i felt bad because i felt like i was treating her like a 3 year old.
she's such a trooper though, she just smiled and tried her best.
we took can't out of her vocabulary though.
i told her i'd make her a pumpkin pie, but whenever i hear the word "cant" come out of her mouth i'd take a bite away from her piece of pie. :)
it worked wonders.
she kept saying "you know" and "i cant say that"
she said things so clearly when she wasnt thinking
that night she was doing so well they moved her into a regular hospital room on the 6th floor.
:) progress!!!

day four:
so i realized that i didn't know how to make pumpkin pie.
but i learned really fast! and i made a DELICIOUS one. i was so proud of myself.
chris will never believe i actually made good food. haha.
my dads brother and family came into town.
i got to meet my new baby cousin..Anna Mason.
she's such a cutie.
and she's a cuddler. :)

i ate alot of food. but doesnt everyone on thanksgiving?
went to see mema again that night. brought her pumpkin pie.
she smiled and said "you try, you try to make me better."
then she proceeded to tell me that she didnt want to go home..
when i asked her why she said "then all the peoples will be gone and not see me"
i felt so bad. i wish i could've stayed there and taken care of her.

day five:
we went shopping as every human does on black friday.
i bought a necklace. thats it.
i spent most of my time showing the little cousins how to record a song on garage band at the apple store on the HUMUNGUS mac screens and pianos.
that was fun.

went to visit mema for the last time.
she wanted to cry i could tell. she wanted us to stay.
she tried to tell me that she loved me but for some reasons those words she has trouble with.
she said "you know"

i do.

its so hard to see her like that. looking so old.
i've never thought of her to be old.
she's looked the same since iwas born.
still dying her hair brown and wearing trendy clothes.
thats just her.
i've never imagined my graduation from college..or mostly my WEDDING without her.
and this forced me to.

i didnt like it at all.
i told her to practice her alphabet and that i had my ways of finding out if she did her homework.
went back to my dads moms house and watched national lampoons christmas vacation with that family.

woke up at 5 to drive 8 hours back home.
on the car ride back to GA we got a phone call saying that mema had backtracked more than ever last night.
she cannot speak at all.. her right side of her face is drawn.
and her right arm and leg are dead again.
they took another catscan but nothing has changed.

so she is there, worse than ever.
and i am here 8 hours away.

it sucks.
and i think that partially, she got worse because she didnt want us to leave.
i wish i didnt have school.
i'd go sleep at the hospital and feed her and coach her speech.
i'd just be there for her.

i love her so much.

and this thanksgiving i learned just how grateful and THANKFUL i am for her.
God please watch over her.
take care of her, put peace in her.

happy thanksgiving everyone.
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