today i became who i've always wanted to be.

Oct 02, 2006 16:27

so this past weekend was amazing.
Six Piece Suit's Promos went well. i'm relieved.
you can see them at:

i also went to Clemson with Chris and his family.

you can see more of those at:

i had so much fun.
that boy makes me smile so much.
you dont even know..

I hate school.
but its okay.
I love life.

after class four of us from my Theatre group decided to go study for our mid-term tomorrow.
but somehow we didnt study at all, and we got to talking about our lives.
we, all four of us, are completely different people.
I sat there and listened with an open heart about their lives, and their beliefs.
I told them about mine..
we just accepted eachother.
its the most amazing thing.

we get so wrapped up in judging people.
its not our job.
I get so wrapped up in judging people. its not my job.
as a christian, i'm supposed to be just that.
little christ.

jesus never once turned away from someone because they were different.
he opened his arms and loved on them.
i did that today.
and it was the best feeling i've ever had.
these kids dont have it all together.
but neither do i.

God calls us to LOVE eachother.
to LOVE eachother as he LOVES us.
you know how that is?


before today, i couldnt even fathom that.
but its like that wall was torn down today.

i see these kids with loving eyes.
we have so much in common. despite our differences.

instead of throwing scripture in their faces..
why not just strip down to the bare basics.

do as Jesus did.

thats more than we can ever do for anyone.
its the biggest impression you could leave on a life.

i dont want to be remembered in this life as someone who tried to shove my "religion" down everyones throats.
i want to be remembered as someone who loved despite the differences.
someone who accepted the people around me without accepting the lifestyles.
someone who took every opporotunity to learn something of myself.
to listen instead of speak.
to hug, instead of walk away.
to cry with, instead to make you cry.
to understand, rather than to be understood.

to LOVE and to be LOVED.
isn't that the greatest commandment?

what are we waiting for?

and the resolution is love.

thats all there is to it.
I want to make a difference.

♥krissy leigh
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