Guidelines |
Our Methods |
Application and Available Characters |
Cast of Played Characters |
Our Backstory Welcome to E pur si muove, which, for those of you who don't speak Italian, translates to "And Yet it Moves," an rpg-styled writing community. 'E pur si muove' is rumoured to be what Galileo whispered under his breath after being forced to recant his studies and declare that the Earth was fixed at the centre of the universe.
As the Wizarding world struggles to move forward and beyond the damage caused by Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, the loss of life and devastation doesn't stop the world from continuing on. Things keep moving; relationships form, develop, and evolve. The lines between good and evil are blurred, and it's hard to know who is right and what is wrong.
As of August 1, 2008 - Si Muove has:
- 48 characters portrayed by 20 different players
- 25 female characters and 23 male characters
- 6 Muggleborn characters
- 9 Half-bloods
- 31 Pure-bloods
- 1 Half-Giant
- 1 of unknown heritage.
- 15 Gryffindors
- 12 Ravenclaws
- 12 Slytherins
- 8 Hufflepuffs
- 1 Beaubatons alumnus
- 43 contemporaries of Harry Potter
- 5 members of an older generation (3 Slytherins, 1 Gryffindor, 1 Hufflepuff)
If you'd like to join us, pick any remaining character that strikes your fancy and submit an application to! Then stand back and let the fun begin!