(no subject)

Oct 06, 2006 03:29

So I dropped off the face of the planet for awhile, but now I'm back (however short it may be).

I hope you all are doing well! I heard some of you are doing great in school, and congratulations!

As for me, I'm back in school. I'm upgrading my courses so I can get into nursing. I've only been in school for 4 weeks, and already I'm stressed. It's accelerated, so everything is condensed and we're learning so much so quickly...eek. I'm having a hard time balancing work and school. But, I'm doing very well in my classes (all 88% or above), and I'm hoping to start nursing next July.

I've moved back home. Scott and I are still together (4 years in August). We're doing better than ever now.

that really about sums up my last few months. nothing exciting has happened at all!
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