Jan 17, 2011 21:43
I keep getting distracted. Oh well, it's all good. It's not like the class I have homework for is a real class anyway... (coughcough1CREDITHOURcoughcough).
Also, I have discovered the beauty of tumblr and all it's "f*** yeah!" pages. I was in heaven when I found the Sungmin page. :3 Here's mine, if you want to follow it (though I probably won't update it very often...). It's shiiijak.tumblr.com, because seeeno was already taken. Oh boo. :(
On another note, still working on my KyuMin fic! With any luck I'll have it finished soon. I hope so because it's taken me two... nope, wait, now it's three months to work on the darn thing!