Do any of your parents have blackberry's? Or a sidekick (even those are, like, exclusive to drug dealers)? Or one of those types of phones?
Cause my Dad just got himself a blackberry curve and it's so. annoying. He literally does not stop blackberry messaging me. For those of you without parents that are obviously more tech savvy than we are, blackberry messaging (bbm'ing) is sort of like instant messaging, but it's only for blackberry's. You add contacts and whatnot blah blah. The only problem is is that I'm my Dad's only contact. So whenever he has something to say, it goes to me. He went grocery shopping and kept bbming me telling me what aisle he was in, or what things were on sale. The name brand chips were on sale for less than the store brand! Drama! Who woulda thunk it?! Complaining aside, it's sorta hilarious sometimes. He just really likes his new phone. I felt like I should share. And take up a bunch of space in this entry to make it look like I have so much to tell you when I don't :/
How about we play a game where you ask me a question and I answer it honestly. Or we play a game where we don't do that and we just pretend we did. I don't know. Honestly, I've had NOTHING to do for the past like two weeks because of press for Wizards and filming and whatnot so just having a conversation would be super cool okay?
Did you know that your odds of being killed by space debris are approximately 1 in 5 billion? Or that it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open? Or that typewriter is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard? Insane!
Coolest entry ever, I know. (Sue me for being so bored.) I'll brag about it when I'm older, that's for sure.
It's been over a week. I'm getting more and more curious about Walt Disney. What if someone finds him before us?!
Howdy there. It has been a while since we talked and I only realized this because I watched 17 Again today. So we're changing this.
Nick B
Yo brosef I heard you were in New York and I'm about to go for press stuff so we should get together. I don't think there are any good rated R movies out so we need to find something else to do!
We always forget about our toothless roadtrip! D: I miss you! So we have to do this eventuallysoonish!