well it's been a while since the last garden update. the most exciting event has been seeing the buds on the daffodils; i just noticed them yesterday. a couple weeks ago i launched a "daffodil recovery project" to excavate some of the areas where i thought bulbs should be growing. i found a few green tips and so dug the soil away from them so they could get some sun. i think 2 or 3 bulbs might have rotted, but i am pretty happy that the rest are growing.
i havent been to the plot at the community garden for a a little over a week, so i hope those plants are doing fine. i'm a little worried about powdery mildew on the peas, since they are pretty susceptible (as i noticed from the pm on the sweet peas several months ago) - most of the calendula has contracted it recently, i think from the rains last week. i am pretty careful about watering and avoiding getting the leaves and stems wet. when the butterfly plant i had got it, i applied jojoba oil, which didnt help at all. (the plants eventually died.) i am wondering what to do now; according to the MG director, you cant get rid of powdery mildew once it's there; you can only prevent it. i wonder if the suggestions on the uc davis ipm website are for preventing the spread of it once it shows up. anyway, i plan to plant more seeds in march/april.
the lilies are still blooming - 3 more pink sepals looking like theyre about to burst. i am surprised they have made it through the cold snap. the blanketflower is still blooming.
a man in the MG class works at creec, which leads a bunch of
plant and seed collection hikes in february. i'm planning to go to the edwards creek hike with leah and possibly tn this sunday.
the possibility of teaching an environmental ed class has come up. i'm interested, but feel like my knowledge in this area is inadequate. i finally sent in my application to UH's natural resources and environmental management program. i'm still considering applying to humboldt, and have to make a decision next week because i need 3 letters of rec. i just dont think that program will teach me what i want to know; i think only getting another bachelors will actually be worth the time and $. if i dont get into uh i might move back to so.cal where i can take courses without worrying about finances so much. well i am going to read now. is it friday? working again has thrown my sense of time off.
daffodils breakin through the soil
calendula prior to powdery mildew