WARNING: this entry is very funny..but its aso veryyyy long.

Sep 28, 2004 06:05

(9:54:37 PM) You have just entered room "Chat 5513712012345465532."
(9:54:50 PM) KurrupteDxOnE has entered the room.
(9:54:58 PM) AZguy1985 has entered the room.
akissinmoonlight (9:55:07 PM): hey guys
KurrupteDxOnE (9:55:10 PM): hey
akissinmoonlight (9:55:13 PM): whats up?
AZguy1985 (9:55:16 PM): hey all three poeple are here cool
akissinmoonlight (9:55:22 PM): yeah.
AZguy1985 (9:55:25 PM): nothing
KurrupteDxOnE (9:55:26 PM): tlel him how we setup dates for friends
KurrupteDxOnE (9:55:27 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:55:30 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:55:32 PM): yeha we do.
akissinmoonlight (9:55:34 PM): hey chad
KurrupteDxOnE (9:55:36 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (9:55:39 PM): is thomas at your house?
akissinmoonlight (9:55:40 PM): right now.
KurrupteDxOnE (9:55:43 PM): not no more
akissinmoonlight (9:55:46 PM): alright.
AZguy1985 (9:55:55 PM): if you set me up i'll leave her in the cematary
AZguy1985 (9:55:56 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (9:55:58 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:55:59 PM): tiffany gets back tomorrow doesnt she?
akissinmoonlight (9:56:07 PM): lo
AZguy1985 (9:56:08 PM): she left
akissinmoonlight (9:56:18 PM): yeah, tiffany my friend.
KurrupteDxOnE (9:56:19 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (9:56:21 PM): not sister
akissinmoonlight (9:56:26 PM): she went to disney land
akissinmoonlight (9:56:30 PM): :-P
AZguy1985 (9:56:36 PM): oh
akissinmoonlight (9:56:41 PM): wo0t. the big game is tomorrow.
akissinmoonlight (9:56:43 PM): !!
akissinmoonlight (9:56:54 PM): were gonna kill those gay freshmen
AZguy1985 (9:56:55 PM): like omg
KurrupteDxOnE (9:57:01 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:57:03 PM): lol.
AZguy1985 (9:57:05 PM): =-O lol
akissinmoonlight (9:57:05 PM): shut up chris.
akissinmoonlight (9:57:08 PM): :-P
AZguy1985 (9:57:16 PM): O:-)
akissinmoonlight (9:57:18 PM): lol.
akissinmoonlight (9:57:23 PM): so chad.
akissinmoonlight (9:57:28 PM): wanna make a bet?
KurrupteDxOnE (9:57:29 PM): yuea
KurrupteDxOnE (9:57:29 PM): uea*
KurrupteDxOnE (9:57:33 PM): whaT?
KurrupteDxOnE (9:57:39 PM): what is this bet i smell
AZguy1985 (9:57:42 PM): don't do it
akissinmoonlight (9:57:43 PM): that i can get ken to say yes at lunch.
akissinmoonlight (9:57:46 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (9:57:52 PM): he has to!
akissinmoonlight (9:57:58 PM): yes this i know.
akissinmoonlight (9:58:00 PM): lol.
akissinmoonlight (9:58:07 PM): it just wouldnt be the same without him/
akissinmoonlight (9:58:12 PM): :-\
KurrupteDxOnE (9:58:17 PM): yea exactly
akissinmoonlight (9:58:20 PM): yeah.
akissinmoonlight (9:58:27 PM): so i bet you i can get him to say yes.
akissinmoonlight (9:58:31 PM): at lunch.
KurrupteDxOnE (9:58:37 PM): if he doesnt?
akissinmoonlight (9:58:41 PM): ummm...i dunno.
akissinmoonlight (9:58:42 PM): lol.
KurrupteDxOnE (9:58:46 PM): well ok
akissinmoonlight (9:58:49 PM): thats when you jump in and say something.
KurrupteDxOnE (9:58:49 PM): ill tAKE THE bet
akissinmoonlight (9:58:51 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:58:53 PM): alright!
KurrupteDxOnE (9:58:54 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:58:56 PM): ::shakes hand::
KurrupteDxOnE (9:58:56 PM): ok
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:00 PM): deal*
akissinmoonlight (9:59:03 PM): sweet.
AZguy1985 (9:59:08 PM): snore
akissinmoonlight (9:59:11 PM): this should be interesting.
akissinmoonlight (9:59:13 PM): shut uo chris.
akissinmoonlight (9:59:17 PM): go fall off a roof
akissinmoonlight (9:59:17 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:21 PM): i gotta find a girl and ask her to come
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:25 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (9:59:28 PM): lol.
AZguy1985 (9:59:33 PM): =-O ya i'll fall on you
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:38 PM): lool
akissinmoonlight (9:59:39 PM): not someone annoying though.
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:39 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:43 PM): hmm
akissinmoonlight (9:59:47 PM): haha no you have the ::PILLOW::
akissinmoonlight (9:59:50 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (9:59:56 PM): i am so glad daniel didnt ask to come
akissinmoonlight (9:59:56 PM): or the PUDDING.
akissinmoonlight (10:00:00 PM): lol i know.
akissinmoonlight (10:00:03 PM): that would be so gay.
AZguy1985 (10:00:05 PM): ya pillow= carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:00:06 PM): he ruins all the fun.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:00:10 PM): that would change everything
akissinmoonlight (10:00:12 PM): uh no chris.
akissinmoonlight (10:00:16 PM): yeah it would,
akissinmoonlight (10:00:22 PM): it just would be weird with daniel there.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:00:39 PM): i mean he is ok to have around sometimes but this isnt one of tose time
KurrupteDxOnE (10:00:41 PM): times*
akissinmoonlight (10:00:44 PM): yeha exactly.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:00:53 PM): STYX!
akissinmoonlight (10:00:53 PM): i mena spending the whole day & night with him would kill me.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:00:54 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:00:59 PM): yea it would
AZguy1985 (10:01:01 PM): oh god guess who called me
akissinmoonlight (10:01:02 PM): haha DONT LET IT END THIS WAYYY..
akissinmoonlight (10:01:03 PM): lol.
akissinmoonlight (10:01:05 PM): daniela?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:01:10 PM): i am listening to them
KurrupteDxOnE (10:01:11 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:01:12 PM): yep
akissinmoonlight (10:01:15 PM): sweet deal.
akissinmoonlight (10:01:18 PM): whatd she say?
AZguy1985 (10:01:26 PM): im not picking up
AZguy1985 (10:01:32 PM): that phone
akissinmoonlight (10:01:32 PM): i see/.
akissinmoonlight (10:01:34 PM): why not?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:01:36 PM): ooh you got gf guy?
akissinmoonlight (10:01:41 PM): dont you love her though?
AZguy1985 (10:01:42 PM): had
KurrupteDxOnE (10:01:42 PM):
KurrupteDxOnE (10:01:46 PM): oh ic
AZguy1985 (10:01:59 PM): ya i still do but i don't know
akissinmoonlight (10:02:04 PM): i see.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:02:13 PM): what happen
KurrupteDxOnE (10:02:16 PM): ?
akissinmoonlight (10:02:27 PM): shes a dumb biatch.
(10:02:37 PM) alf20104 has entered the room.
AZguy1985 (10:02:40 PM): i just want to come out and visit so i can get everything off my mind in this desert
akissinmoonlight (10:02:41 PM): no offesen or anything vhris
akissinmoonlight (10:02:44 PM): chris*
alf20104 (10:02:49 PM): hellos
AZguy1985 (10:03:03 PM): um hello
akissinmoonlight (10:03:04 PM): hey mikie
AZguy1985 (10:03:06 PM): :-\
KurrupteDxOnE (10:03:06 PM): hey mike
alf20104 (10:03:11 PM): whats up??
akissinmoonlight (10:03:13 PM): not alot.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:03:15 PM): nothin much
KurrupteDxOnE (10:03:16 PM): u?
alf20104 (10:03:24 PM): nm
KurrupteDxOnE (10:03:33 PM): i for some reason noticed you have side burns
akissinmoonlight (10:03:37 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:03:37 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:03:40 PM): nice chad.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:03:58 PM): oh yea and thomas carlton says i like grace
alf20104 (10:03:58 PM): u JUST noticed?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:00 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:03 PM): yea
alf20104 (10:04:05 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:04:06 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:04:09 PM): do you like her?
alf20104 (10:04:10 PM): do u like grace?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:13 PM):
akissinmoonlight (10:04:14 PM): well then askher to come.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:15 PM): lol.
akissinmoonlight (10:04:17 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:29 PM): chris
akissinmoonlight (10:04:33 PM): ...
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:34 PM): you r quiet
alf20104 (10:04:40 PM): grace is awesome
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:41 PM): carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:04:44 PM): yeha?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:45 PM): ok
akissinmoonlight (10:04:47 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:04:48 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:04:51 PM): ya sorry i am quiet
KurrupteDxOnE (10:04:52 PM): XD
akissinmoonlight (10:04:54 PM): haha
akissinmoonlight (10:04:59 PM): <(*_*)>
AZguy1985 (10:05:00 PM): im a quiet person
alf20104 (10:05:00 PM): whos asguy1985?
alf20104 (10:05:03 PM): z*
akissinmoonlight (10:05:03 PM): thats chris
KurrupteDxOnE (10:05:07 PM): i think you arent
AZguy1985 (10:05:08 PM): ya thats me
akissinmoonlight (10:05:09 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:05:10 PM): oo
alf20104 (10:05:17 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:05:18 PM): hes really not qiuet
alf20104 (10:05:20 PM): hey
akissinmoonlight (10:05:23 PM): chris si anything but quite
akissinmoonlight (10:05:27 PM): quiet*
KurrupteDxOnE (10:05:32 PM): i think you are someone who is shy but deap down inside wants to just get out there and get noticed by people
AZguy1985 (10:05:35 PM): hey ..jello fight
KurrupteDxOnE (10:05:37 PM): :D
alf20104 (10:05:41 PM): who?
AZguy1985 (10:05:42 PM): that you started
akissinmoonlight (10:05:42 PM): hah yeha that was all you chris!!!
alf20104 (10:05:47 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:05:47 PM): no you started it!
AZguy1985 (10:05:55 PM): ok maybe i did........O:-)
KurrupteDxOnE (10:05:59 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:05:59 PM): i know thisa
AZguy1985 (10:06:03 PM): but you got hit in the face
KurrupteDxOnE (10:06:07 PM):
akissinmoonlight (10:06:09 PM): and the orange jello was freakin everywhere
akissinmoonlight (10:06:13 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:06:16 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:06:16 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:06:22 PM): so-you had to clena it all up!
akissinmoonlight (10:06:25 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (10:06:25 PM): jello fight.. cool
alf20104 (10:06:28 PM): fun
akissinmoonlight (10:06:30 PM): clean*
AZguy1985 (10:06:31 PM): aw man
akissinmoonlight (10:06:32 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:06:44 PM): yeah it was tons of fun in the making. in the end-chris got in all the trouble haha!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:06:50 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:06:51 PM): XED
AZguy1985 (10:06:52 PM): ya but you got to meet my crazy grandparents
AZguy1985 (10:06:53 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:06:55 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:06:56 PM): yeah dude.
alf20104 (10:06:57 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:07:04 PM): remember when i wlaked in on her naked?!!??!
akissinmoonlight (10:07:06 PM): yuuck!
akissinmoonlight (10:07:10 PM): that image haiunts me forever1
alf20104 (10:07:14 PM): ahhh
alf20104 (10:07:19 PM): walked in on who?
akissinmoonlight (10:07:23 PM): shes like 70 or something adn i saw her naked!
alf20104 (10:07:27 PM): ew!
akissinmoonlight (10:07:28 PM): it was siiiccckkk
AZguy1985 (10:07:30 PM): =-O forever....forever..forever
akissinmoonlight (10:07:32 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:07:32 PM): :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:07:33 PM): yeha
alf20104 (10:07:34 PM): LOL
akissinmoonlight (10:07:37 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:07:41 PM): shut uo mikie!
akissinmoonlight (10:07:44 PM): it was on accident.
AZguy1985 (10:07:53 PM): ya true
alf20104 (10:07:54 PM): sureeeeee
akissinmoonlight (10:07:56 PM): almost everyone watched me walk in too-but no one told me she was showering or anything.
akissinmoonlight (10:08:05 PM): she was standing there naked
AZguy1985 (10:08:08 PM): well you fond out huh
AZguy1985 (10:08:08 PM): jk
AZguy1985 (10:08:10 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:08:10 PM): and screamed when i walked in
KurrupteDxOnE (10:08:10 PM): XD
KurrupteDxOnE (10:08:12 PM): ewwwww
KurrupteDxOnE (10:08:13 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:08:13 PM): lol yeah i did
alf20104 (10:08:15 PM): XD
alf20104 (10:08:16 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:08:19 PM): lol shut upo
KurrupteDxOnE (10:08:23 PM):
alf20104 (10:08:32 PM): :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:08:53 PM): practice was fun.
akissinmoonlight (10:08:55 PM): :-D
AZguy1985 (10:08:55 PM): im going to get that guy........
KurrupteDxOnE (10:08:57 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (10:08:58 PM): we beat the juniors
akissinmoonlight (10:09:01 PM): & the seniors!
alf20104 (10:09:01 PM): awesome
KurrupteDxOnE (10:09:06 PM): i think you did good
alf20104 (10:09:07 PM): *high five*
akissinmoonlight (10:09:14 PM): we just need to whoop some ass with the freshemne
akissinmoonlight (10:09:17 PM): which we will kill.
akissinmoonlight (10:09:21 PM): ::hugh fives back:
akissinmoonlight (10:09:22 PM): :
KurrupteDxOnE (10:09:26 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:09:30 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:09:44 PM): i think our team is going to be the best one this year!
akissinmoonlight (10:09:48 PM): wo0t! go sohmores!
akissinmoonlight (10:09:54 PM): sophmores*
KurrupteDxOnE (10:09:55 PM): yea!!!!!
alf20104 (10:09:56 PM): w00t!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:10:04 PM): hmmm
akissinmoonlight (10:10:14 PM): ...
KurrupteDxOnE (10:10:23 PM): carrie make sure you use your persuation skills on ken a lot
akissinmoonlight (10:10:24 PM): i want to have the sleepover NOW!
akissinmoonlight (10:10:26 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:10:36 PM): yeha ill give him a tad kiss on the lips & the deal will be sealed.
akissinmoonlight (10:10:37 PM): :-D
KurrupteDxOnE (10:10:44 PM): ooo
KurrupteDxOnE (10:10:45 PM):
alf20104 (10:10:46 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:10:48 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:10:53 PM): do it
AZguy1985 (10:10:53 PM): haha carrie has persuation skills
akissinmoonlight (10:10:53 PM): itll work wont it?
AZguy1985 (10:10:54 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:10:57 PM): i do.
akissinmoonlight (10:11:00 PM): and you so know it chris.
akissinmoonlight (10:11:01 PM): :-P
AZguy1985 (10:11:23 PM): ya but i just don't let you in all the way so ha ..;-)
akissinmoonlight (10:11:53 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:11:54 PM): haha right.
akissinmoonlight (10:12:00 PM): if i was naked and kissing you you would give up.
akissinmoonlight (10:12:02 PM): :-P
alf20104 (10:12:17 PM): o_O
AZguy1985 (10:12:33 PM): aw man .....:-\
akissinmoonlight (10:12:38 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:12:47 PM): tomorrow is gona be great.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:12:53 PM): yea
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:01 PM): i want it to be FRIDAY!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:02 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:13:19 PM): and plus hey chad-im wearing very revcealing clothes that will kinda expose my breats..and isnt he a boob guy?
akissinmoonlight (10:13:22 PM): :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:13:22 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:13:23 PM): *bursts into flames* AHHHH PUT ME OUT PUT ME OUT
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:29 PM):
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:34 PM): i would like to c this
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:36 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:13:37 PM): stupid electrical socket
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:39 PM): but yea
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:41 PM): he is
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:43 PM): very
akissinmoonlight (10:13:51 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:13:54 PM): it is his turn on
akissinmoonlight (10:13:59 PM): yup yup yup.
akissinmoonlight (10:14:11 PM): haha
akissinmoonlight (10:14:14 PM): hes so going to say yes.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:14:15 PM): aphrodeicniac i think it is spelled
alf20104 (10:14:30 PM): incorrect
akissinmoonlight (10:14:30 PM): i know all the right things to say & do. & hes under my control..hehe!
alf20104 (10:14:40 PM): who are we talking about again?
AZguy1985 (10:14:41 PM): man carrie am i going to have to see all your friends
alf20104 (10:14:44 PM): *wanders off*
akissinmoonlight (10:14:48 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:14:58 PM): mike
akissinmoonlight (10:15:02 PM): ::grabs mikie & ties him to the tree:: hahahahaha!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:15:02 PM): grow a beard
akissinmoonlight (10:15:05 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:15:11 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (10:15:15 PM): i would laugh
alf20104 (10:15:17 PM): ok i will
KurrupteDxOnE (10:15:19 PM):
alf20104 (10:15:25 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:15:28 PM): : )
akissinmoonlight (10:15:32 PM): haha right.
akissinmoonlight (10:15:33 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:15:36 PM): weirdos.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:15:37 PM): so
akissinmoonlight (10:15:40 PM): so0o.
AZguy1985 (10:15:41 PM): cuzz if i have to meet all of them your control...some what control with go away
akissinmoonlight (10:15:44 PM): im soo anxious for tomorrow.
akissinmoonlight (10:15:55 PM): no it wont.
akissinmoonlight (10:16:00 PM): ill seduce you! haha just kidding.
akissinmoonlight (10:16:02 PM): :-P
AZguy1985 (10:16:06 PM): ;-)
KurrupteDxOnE (10:16:08 PM):
AZguy1985 (10:16:22 PM): hey who was bursting into flames
AZguy1985 (10:16:24 PM): ?
AZguy1985 (10:16:29 PM): mike
akissinmoonlight (10:16:30 PM): your ass was.
akissinmoonlight (10:16:31 PM): :-P
AZguy1985 (10:16:33 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:16:36 PM): just kidding lol.
AZguy1985 (10:17:05 PM): ha don't every one talk at the same time
alf20104 (10:17:05 PM): *yawn*
akissinmoonlight (10:17:17 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:17:19 PM): yeah really.
akissinmoonlight (10:17:21 PM): hey chad.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:17:25 PM): ytewa
KurrupteDxOnE (10:17:27 PM): yea*
akissinmoonlight (10:17:28 PM): dont let it end this way.
akissinmoonlight (10:17:30 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:17:32 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:17:34 PM): i wont
KurrupteDxOnE (10:17:41 PM): i look at your pillow
akissinmoonlight (10:17:42 PM): haha alright.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:17:44 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:17:44 PM): it's ending
akissinmoonlight (10:17:45 PM): LOL.
AZguy1985 (10:17:45 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:17:49 PM): haha no its not.
AZguy1985 (10:18:01 PM): hey pillow huh
AZguy1985 (10:18:11 PM): look at what you did carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:18:18 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:18:18 PM): carrie want me to send you the song
KurrupteDxOnE (10:18:19 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:18:21 PM): no it was the .....
akissinmoonlight (10:18:25 PM): PUDDING!!!
(10:18:37 PM) alf20104 has left the room.
akissinmoonlight (10:18:38 PM): hehe & mandi isnt in the chat to giuve me any violaitons
KurrupteDxOnE (10:18:47 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:18:53 PM): oh violation
AZguy1985 (10:18:55 PM): carrie
AZguy1985 (10:18:55 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:18:57 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:19:01 PM): remember...?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:04 PM): carrie i still have that bet
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:07 PM): with ken
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:12 PM): cant do anything crazy
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:14 PM):
AZguy1985 (10:19:25 PM): poor ken betting money on him ...
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:38 PM): i have adhd badly
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:44 PM): so i do a lot of stuff
AZguy1985 (10:19:52 PM): hey carrie can i do a crazy bet
AZguy1985 (10:19:53 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:19:56 PM): O:-)
KurrupteDxOnE (10:19:56 PM): lolo
KurrupteDxOnE (10:20:01 PM):
akissinmoonlight (10:20:13 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:20:19 PM): you have a crazy bet?
akissinmoonlight (10:20:22 PM): oh yeah damn!
AZguy1985 (10:20:27 PM): what lol
AZguy1985 (10:20:33 PM): want to hear it
KurrupteDxOnE (10:20:45 PM): go streaking!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:20:46 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:20:47 PM): haha!!!
akissinmoonlight (10:20:49 PM): wo0t!!!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:20:51 PM): check
AZguy1985 (10:20:52 PM): lol no
akissinmoonlight (10:20:52 PM): thats sa good one.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:20:53 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:20:53 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (10:21:08 PM): i am glad i didnt get naken
KurrupteDxOnE (10:21:11 PM): all the way
KurrupteDxOnE (10:21:14 PM): that one time
akissinmoonlight (10:21:35 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:21:36 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:21:43 PM): haha oh man that was horribly funny.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:21:52 PM): ken took a pic
KurrupteDxOnE (10:21:53 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:21:57 PM): quote on quote " i dont like it when my grandma sees me naked"
akissinmoonlight (10:21:58 PM): haha
akissinmoonlight (10:21:58 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:22:01 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:22:31 PM): chris want to have an orgy party
akissinmoonlight (10:22:34 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:22:35 PM): yeah
akissinmoonlight (10:22:39 PM): lets do it
akissinmoonlight (10:22:45 PM): in the mcdonalds playpin
akissinmoonlight (10:22:46 PM): :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:22:49 PM): just kidding haha/.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:22:57 PM): kinky i like it
akissinmoonlight (10:23:00 PM): haha
KurrupteDxOnE (10:23:12 PM): that would be my dream to do a girl up there
KurrupteDxOnE (10:23:15 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:23:17 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:23:19 PM): ncie.
AZguy1985 (10:23:26 PM): ok i bet that carrie can't seduce and if i win i get to jump off the roof with her
akissinmoonlight (10:23:31 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:23:35 PM): yeha right.
(10:23:36 PM) alf20104 has entered the room.
akissinmoonlight (10:23:39 PM): im soo good at seducing.
AZguy1985 (10:23:40 PM): wabt to bet
KurrupteDxOnE (10:23:43 PM): she is
AZguy1985 (10:23:44 PM): O:-)
akissinmoonlight (10:23:47 PM): ask chad-look at the way it effects kne.
akissinmoonlight (10:23:52 PM): ken*
akissinmoonlight (10:23:53 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:24:10 PM): mike
AZguy1985 (10:24:13 PM): ya but im differnt from most guys .you know what im talking about carrie
KurrupteDxOnE (10:24:14 PM): dont tell ken about this
alf20104 (10:24:14 PM): hi
akissinmoonlight (10:24:21 PM): yeah i do know chris.
alf20104 (10:24:22 PM): o
AZguy1985 (10:24:25 PM): hey ..mike right whats up
alf20104 (10:24:25 PM): i'm lost
alf20104 (10:24:29 PM): fill me in
alf20104 (10:24:30 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:24:36 PM): on what
akissinmoonlight (10:24:44 PM): IF KEN FINDS OUT-IT WILL BE VERY BAD LOL
KurrupteDxOnE (10:24:46 PM): thomas loves tiffany!@
alf20104 (10:24:46 PM): *prints this out*
KurrupteDxOnE (10:24:47 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:24:51 PM): haha yes that is true.
akissinmoonlight (10:24:53 PM): :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:24:57 PM): haha
akissinmoonlight (10:25:07 PM): ::grabs the paper from mikie & tears it up::
KurrupteDxOnE (10:25:09 PM): little basturd said i like grace which is half true
KurrupteDxOnE (10:25:10 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:25:12 PM): really now .hehe
akissinmoonlight (10:25:12 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:25:13 PM): yeha
alf20104 (10:25:17 PM): i just got an einstein action figure
akissinmoonlight (10:25:20 PM): really?
alf20104 (10:25:21 PM): i like grace
akissinmoonlight (10:25:21 PM): thats cool.
akissinmoonlight (10:25:26 PM): whats it look like?
alf20104 (10:25:29 PM): not really
KurrupteDxOnE (10:25:36 PM): have his hair all spoofy?
akissinmoonlight (10:25:36 PM): chad-invite her to the sleepover.
akissinmoonlight (10:25:41 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:25:43 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:25:45 PM): ok
alf20104 (10:25:46 PM): what sleep over?
akissinmoonlight (10:25:47 PM): sweeet.
akissinmoonlight (10:25:50 PM): no sleepover
akissinmoonlight (10:25:53 PM): :-P
alf20104 (10:25:56 PM): ooook
KurrupteDxOnE (10:25:58 PM): mike ill do it in spanish
akissinmoonlight (10:26:01 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:26:04 PM): i have her in spanish
alf20104 (10:26:04 PM): what?
akissinmoonlight (10:26:05 PM): chad-wait
akissinmoonlight (10:26:06 PM): !
AZguy1985 (10:26:06 PM): oh god lol if you have a sleep over when i come down im sleeping on the roof
AZguy1985 (10:26:07 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:26:13 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:26:16 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:26:20 PM): shut up chris.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:26:20 PM): carie
KurrupteDxOnE (10:26:22 PM): yea?
akissinmoonlight (10:26:23 PM): yeha?
akissinmoonlight (10:26:29 PM): oh yeha
akissinmoonlight (10:26:31 PM): hey wait chad
KurrupteDxOnE (10:26:32 PM): akissinmoonlight (10:25:21 PM): chad-wait
KurrupteDxOnE (10:26:34 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:26:34 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:26:42 PM): so whats up mike
alf20104 (10:27:00 PM): i'm sooo tired
akissinmoonlight (10:27:01 PM): ask grace to come and like that will be cool cause liek then it wouldnt be the three of us & there will be more people crammed in the slide if somsone comes LOL.
akissinmoonlight (10:27:05 PM): it will be just great though.
akissinmoonlight (10:27:19 PM): & isnt it on saturday case ken cant make it on friday
akissinmoonlight (10:27:20 PM): ?
AZguy1985 (10:27:20 PM): really no kidding lol O:-)
AZguy1985 (10:27:24 PM): jk
alf20104 (10:27:32 PM): whats up with u?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:27:35 PM): i like it when i am tightly packed with girls in slides
KurrupteDxOnE (10:27:36 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:27:38 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:27:39 PM): nice.
alf20104 (10:27:43 PM): me too
KurrupteDxOnE (10:27:44 PM): nvr happened yet but
KurrupteDxOnE (10:27:47 PM): ;p;
akissinmoonlight (10:27:48 PM): haha that was soo funny on friday - think?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:27:48 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:27:50 PM): i think*
alf20104 (10:27:53 PM): me neither
KurrupteDxOnE (10:27:57 PM): should it be on friday
KurrupteDxOnE (10:28:01 PM): or saturday
AZguy1985 (10:28:04 PM): hey thought are coming into my mind ..should i share carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:28:05 PM): well ken cant make it friday
alf20104 (10:28:07 PM): lanparty
akissinmoonlight (10:28:12 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:28:17 PM): shut up chris.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:28:22 PM): alf
KurrupteDxOnE (10:28:25 PM): that friday?
alf20104 (10:28:27 PM): chad, we have valhallalan on friday
akissinmoonlight (10:28:37 PM): werre throwing one big fat ass orgy
akissinmoonlight (10:28:39 PM): :-P lol
AZguy1985 (10:28:42 PM): hey i'll be back in like 5 mins
KurrupteDxOnE (10:28:43 PM): fuck i nvr worked on my new computer
akissinmoonlight (10:28:44 PM): just kidding.
alf20104 (10:28:44 PM): o_O
AZguy1985 (10:28:48 PM): oh man
KurrupteDxOnE (10:28:48 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (10:28:48 PM): alriught see you in a few chris.
alf20104 (10:28:50 PM): sure u are
KurrupteDxOnE (10:28:50 PM): we r
akissinmoonlight (10:28:54 PM): haha
akissinmoonlight (10:28:55 PM): yeah
KurrupteDxOnE (10:29:18 PM): mike wanna gimme a graphics card to borrow
KurrupteDxOnE (10:29:25 PM):
alf20104 (10:29:44 PM): just to borrow?, then ok
akissinmoonlight (10:29:52 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:29:53 PM): keep forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
KurrupteDxOnE (10:29:55 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:29:59 PM): haha nice.
alf20104 (10:30:02 PM): i have an NvidiaMX4000 u can use
alf20104 (10:30:07 PM): 128 DDR
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:08 PM): any good?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:10 PM): ooo
alf20104 (10:30:17 PM): U CAN NOT KEEP IT
alf20104 (10:30:18 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:19 PM): lemme use
akissinmoonlight (10:30:24 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:30:26 PM): i'm trading it for a guitar
alf20104 (10:30:33 PM): and amp
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:33 PM): ...
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:40 PM): what a deal.....
alf20104 (10:30:42 PM): but u can use it
alf20104 (10:30:43 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:30:46 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:30:48 PM): haha
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:49 PM): ill give you a blowy for it
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:51 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:30:54 PM): :O
akissinmoonlight (10:30:55 PM): LOL.
akissinmoonlight (10:30:58 PM): :-\
akissinmoonlight (10:31:00 PM): haha
KurrupteDxOnE (10:31:01 PM): stick it in hrry
alf20104 (10:31:02 PM): LOL
akissinmoonlight (10:31:04 PM): haha
KurrupteDxOnE (10:31:06 PM): get this over with
akissinmoonlight (10:31:06 PM): chad!
akissinmoonlight (10:31:10 PM): what about gracie!?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:31:11 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:31:12 PM): no thanks...
KurrupteDxOnE (10:31:19 PM): aw
alf20104 (10:31:24 PM): I <3 grace
akissinmoonlight (10:31:27 PM): haha you guys are funny.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:31:37 PM): i already cheated on a girl that i nvr even asked yet and with a guy
alf20104 (10:31:38 PM): she gave me her cell #
akissinmoonlight (10:31:39 PM): you like gracie too mikie?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:31:40 PM): shit
akissinmoonlight (10:31:47 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:31:58 PM): whats wrong chad?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:01 PM): yea what ever that was joke
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:03 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:32:07 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:32:09 PM): ok
akissinmoonlight (10:32:11 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:32:12 PM): alright
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:17 PM): mike does she know me
akissinmoonlight (10:32:18 PM): CHRIS................
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:22 PM): from tremonte
akissinmoonlight (10:32:26 PM): CHRIS CHRIS CHRIS
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:27 PM): stil
alf20104 (10:32:31 PM): grace wants me to get a red chevy pickup-truck
akissinmoonlight (10:32:32 PM): haha the starbucks commercial.
akissinmoonlight (10:32:35 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:38 PM): dude i want one
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:43 PM): those are awsiome
alf20104 (10:32:47 PM): what>?
akissinmoonlight (10:32:49 PM): what are?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:51 PM): what wrong with em?
akissinmoonlight (10:32:51 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:32:58 PM): chvy truck
KurrupteDxOnE (10:33:00 PM): red
alf20104 (10:33:01 PM): ah
akissinmoonlight (10:33:01 PM): o0o.
akissinmoonlight (10:33:04 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:33:04 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:33:05 PM): old ones
akissinmoonlight (10:33:07 PM): haha
KurrupteDxOnE (10:33:07 PM):
akissinmoonlight (10:33:09 PM): :-P
alf20104 (10:33:22 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:33:30 PM): alf
KurrupteDxOnE (10:33:38 PM): do you know she has a history
KurrupteDxOnE (10:33:45 PM): of being crazy
akissinmoonlight (10:33:51 PM): yeah shes quite a big one.
alf20104 (10:33:53 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:33:55 PM): so?
akissinmoonlight (10:33:56 PM): full of bad stuff.
alf20104 (10:34:02 PM): grace?
akissinmoonlight (10:34:03 PM): shes doine agng bangs.
akissinmoonlight (10:34:05 PM): yeha
AZguy1985 (10:34:06 PM): k back
akissinmoonlight (10:34:14 PM): & drugs & drinks
KurrupteDxOnE (10:34:14 PM): she was a hooker in san fransisco
alf20104 (10:34:15 PM): nuh huh
alf20104 (10:34:17 PM): not any more
KurrupteDxOnE (10:34:18 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:34:19 PM): jk
akissinmoonlight (10:34:20 PM): yeah
alf20104 (10:34:24 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:34:32 PM): you know
akissinmoonlight (10:34:34 PM): shes not a good one.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:34:38 PM): i need a crazy girl though
KurrupteDxOnE (10:34:41 PM): i mean
AZguy1985 (10:34:45 PM): man i leave and you two are talking about drugs
alf20104 (10:34:49 PM): i need someone!
alf20104 (10:34:51 PM): i'm lonely!
akissinmoonlight (10:34:52 PM): no offense i mean shes cool, but iuts like shes still pretty coo coo
alf20104 (10:34:52 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:34:54 PM): hey chris!!
akissinmoonlight (10:34:58 PM): welcome back
alf20104 (10:34:58 PM): hey!
alf20104 (10:35:00 PM): welcome
AZguy1985 (10:35:00 PM): hey
akissinmoonlight (10:35:01 PM): :-P
alf20104 (10:35:02 PM): back
akissinmoonlight (10:35:05 PM): lolo
KurrupteDxOnE (10:35:11 PM): chris drugs are for fools
KurrupteDxOnE (10:35:13 PM):
AZguy1985 (10:35:15 PM): ya im back drug talkers
AZguy1985 (10:35:16 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:35:20 PM): ::high fives chad::
alf20104 (10:35:23 PM): i <3 drugs
KurrupteDxOnE (10:35:25 PM): hehe
akissinmoonlight (10:35:29 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:35:31 PM): your the ones talking about it
AZguy1985 (10:35:32 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:35:34 PM): yeah cause were all crack heads you know?
akissinmoonlight (10:35:36 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:35:40 PM): well i was
KurrupteDxOnE (10:35:42 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:35:43 PM): shut up chris.
alf20104 (10:35:49 PM): *cries*
AZguy1985 (10:35:54 PM): hey cool that means i can scrae you real easy huh :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:36:07 PM): right/.
AZguy1985 (10:36:12 PM): why you cry mike
AZguy1985 (10:36:14 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:36:17 PM): carrie you have to share ken if i get rejected
KurrupteDxOnE (10:36:18 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:36:20 PM): we should all go hangout at the lake
alf20104 (10:36:23 PM): i'll buy a boat
KurrupteDxOnE (10:36:29 PM): wow
akissinmoonlight (10:36:31 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:36:32 PM): alright
akissinmoonlight (10:36:35 PM): sounds good chad.
akissinmoonlight (10:36:36 PM): :-P
akissinmoonlight (10:36:37 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:36:39 PM): hehe
AZguy1985 (10:36:46 PM): uh oh im thinknig of a jinz
akissinmoonlight (10:36:49 PM): hey boats are awesome im up for that!
alf20104 (10:36:53 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:36:59 PM): we gave out last boat away
akissinmoonlight (10:36:59 PM): no chris-dont even say it!!!
AZguy1985 (10:37:06 PM): carrie knows im good at them
alf20104 (10:37:10 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:37:11 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:37:13 PM): O:-)
akissinmoonlight (10:37:16 PM): he jinxes people all the time/.
akissinmoonlight (10:37:20 PM): he says it and it doesnt happen.
akissinmoonlight (10:37:21 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:37:25 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:37:26 PM): its baaddd
akissinmoonlight (10:37:27 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:37:29 PM): we used to have a 24-foot "searay"
akissinmoonlight (10:37:35 PM): really?
AZguy1985 (10:37:41 PM): hey not everyone
alf20104 (10:37:42 PM): with 2 ford V8s, and a cabin
AZguy1985 (10:37:44 PM): cool
alf20104 (10:37:59 PM): kitchen, bathroom, table,
alf20104 (10:38:03 PM): beds
alf20104 (10:38:03 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:38:09 PM): lol true chrs..but most
akissinmoonlight (10:38:09 PM): haha
AZguy1985 (10:38:27 PM): hey your not on it ;-) cuzz your coolness
akissinmoonlight (10:38:30 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:38:32 PM): and your friends too
akissinmoonlight (10:38:33 PM): i see.
alf20104 (10:38:43 PM): *cries*
alf20104 (10:38:48 PM): what wasnt me i swear
AZguy1985 (10:38:50 PM): but i don't know about your dad's gf
AZguy1985 (10:38:52 PM): hehe
alf20104 (10:39:01 PM): i tihnk my dad has a gf
akissinmoonlight (10:39:11 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:39:14 PM): yeha shes crazy/
akissinmoonlight (10:39:32 PM): OMG-mom got out of the hospital today & she said shes gonna go to my game!
alf20104 (10:39:33 PM): my moms bf called while my dad was in the kitchen, and he heard the message he left
AZguy1985 (10:39:34 PM): hmmm falling down the stairs is'nt to bad right
akissinmoonlight (10:39:37 PM): shes freakin crazy & i know sahes serious.
AZguy1985 (10:39:50 PM): really
alf20104 (10:39:55 PM): my parents are still married to eachother
alf20104 (10:40:02 PM): :-\
akissinmoonlight (10:40:16 PM): yeah
akissinmoonlight (10:40:19 PM): thats cool mikie.
alf20104 (10:40:52 PM): how is it cool that my parents are still married to eachother, yet my dad has a gf and my mom had a bf
alf20104 (10:41:07 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:41:21 PM): hey carrie read my profile
AZguy1985 (10:41:22 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:41:28 PM): awww that sucks mike.
(10:42:55 PM) AZguy1985 has left the room.
alf20104 (10:43:06 PM): neh
akissinmoonlight (10:43:07 PM): oh dont everyone start talking all at once.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:43:13 PM): ;p;
KurrupteDxOnE (10:43:15 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:43:23 PM): lol
(10:43:23 PM) AZguy1985 has entered the room.
alf20104 (10:43:27 PM): i need a job...
KurrupteDxOnE (10:43:30 PM): CARRIE
akissinmoonlight (10:43:33 PM): yeha?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:43:35 PM): the song is ON
akissinmoonlight (10:43:35 PM): CHAD
alf20104 (10:43:36 PM): CARRIE
AZguy1985 (10:43:37 PM): sorry my com sucks
akissinmoonlight (10:43:39 PM): CHAD
akissinmoonlight (10:43:44 PM): LOL SWEET DEAL! I LOVE THAT SONG.
alf20104 (10:43:46 PM): CARRIE
akissinmoonlight (10:43:47 PM): ITS NUNBER 16
akissinmoonlight (10:43:49 PM): MIKE
KurrupteDxOnE (10:43:50 PM): YEA
akissinmoonlight (10:43:55 PM): LOL
alf20104 (10:43:56 PM): CARRIE!!!!!!
akissinmoonlight (10:44:03 PM): MIKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alf20104 (10:44:08 PM): i forgot what i was gonna say....
akissinmoonlight (10:44:10 PM): lol.
akissinmoonlight (10:44:11 PM): i see.
AZguy1985 (10:44:12 PM): =-O
akissinmoonlight (10:44:14 PM): hhaa
AZguy1985 (10:44:18 PM): anger problems lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:44:19 PM): get up each day not much to say no where to go
akissinmoonlight (10:44:23 PM): lol yeah i think so.
akissinmoonlight (10:44:28 PM): very true.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:44:34 PM): dont let it end!!!!!!
alf20104 (10:44:41 PM): *dies*
akissinmoonlight (10:44:41 PM): the only real destination for me is hell & or heaven.
AZguy1985 (10:44:42 PM): let what end
akissinmoonlight (10:44:52 PM): DONT LET IT END THIS WAYYYY!!!!
akissinmoonlight (10:44:54 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:44:57 PM): well duh you only got two choices
AZguy1985 (10:44:58 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:02 PM): baby qwe could so much more~!!!!!!!!!!!!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:15 PM): teling you baby i made my mistakes
akissinmoonlight (10:45:17 PM): just dont-dont let oit end this wattt
akissinmoonlight (10:45:18 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:45:19 PM): wayyy*
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:20 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:27 PM): dont let it end!
AZguy1985 (10:45:32 PM): you guys are fliping me out
akissinmoonlight (10:45:32 PM): haha that was so funny.
AZguy1985 (10:45:34 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:40 PM): i love this song
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:41 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:45:49 PM): haha you were like daniel my sweetheart this song is dedicated to you.
akissinmoonlight (10:45:50 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:45:53 PM): yeah me too'
akissinmoonlight (10:45:55 PM): its awesome.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:56 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:45:57 PM): XD
akissinmoonlight (10:46:03 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:46:04 PM): im geting to old for this
akissinmoonlight (10:46:08 PM): hhaa not ah
AZguy1985 (10:46:09 PM): :-\
akissinmoonlight (10:46:11 PM): you can never be too old.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:46:19 PM): iDONT LET IT END
akissinmoonlight (10:46:20 PM): cause im right around the corner from your age
akissinmoonlight (10:46:20 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:46:33 PM): LOL
KurrupteDxOnE (10:46:36 PM): DONT WALK OUT THAT DOOR
AZguy1985 (10:46:36 PM): y true
alf20104 (10:46:44 PM): AHHHHH
akissinmoonlight (10:46:48 PM): JUST DONT-DOT LET IT ENNDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!
akissinmoonlight (10:46:53 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:47:00 PM): i'm sending you a song
akissinmoonlight (10:47:07 PM): oh shit
akissinmoonlight (10:47:12 PM): i need to go dry my clothes!
alf20104 (10:47:15 PM): oo
akissinmoonlight (10:47:18 PM): lol theyre in the washer all wet!
akissinmoonlight (10:47:20 PM): damn..ill brbr
KurrupteDxOnE (10:47:21 PM): NO I SEND THIS SONG TO YOU ALL WE PLAY AT SAME TIME AND SING IT@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!1
KurrupteDxOnE (10:47:29 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:47:29 PM): i bought a hot tub
akissinmoonlight (10:47:30 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:47:30 PM): hmmm maybe if i shoot carrie and chad with my paint ball gun they would stop
akissinmoonlight (10:47:32 PM): brb
AZguy1985 (10:47:39 PM): k
alf20104 (10:47:42 PM): k
KurrupteDxOnE (10:47:44 PM): yea
KurrupteDxOnE (10:47:48 PM): that could work
alf20104 (10:48:14 PM): *hacks into chads computer*
AZguy1985 (10:48:22 PM): ya but i could'nt shoot carrie ...but sorry to say i don't know about you chad sorry
alf20104 (10:48:28 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:48:31 PM): what about me?
alf20104 (10:48:39 PM): could u shoot me?
AZguy1985 (10:48:46 PM): eh you too i would have to get to know you two
alf20104 (10:48:54 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:49:15 PM): chad quiet.....are you ok therechad lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:49:20 PM): yea
KurrupteDxOnE (10:49:21 PM):
AZguy1985 (10:49:24 PM): ok
KurrupteDxOnE (10:49:29 PM): so
AZguy1985 (10:49:51 PM): so what do you two know about me cuzz i bet carrie has talked to you guys about me lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:49:52 PM): tonites the nnight well make historyyyyyy
KurrupteDxOnE (10:50:14 PM): honey you and i
AZguy1985 (10:50:18 PM): nothing huh
KurrupteDxOnE (10:50:26 PM): cause ill take any risk
akissinmoonlight (10:50:33 PM): IM BACCCKKK!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:50:38 PM): YAY!!!!!!!!!11
AZguy1985 (10:50:41 PM): hey mike he's singing again
akissinmoonlight (10:50:44 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:50:45 PM): time after hands of time
KurrupteDxOnE (10:50:56 PM): stay her with me toniteeeeeeeeee
alf20104 (10:51:06 PM): brb
AZguy1985 (10:51:08 PM): hold still chad this will only hurt for a sec *takes aim *
AZguy1985 (10:51:10 PM): jk
KurrupteDxOnE (10:51:13 PM): i know you feel these are the worst of time
akissinmoonlight (10:51:19 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:51:21 PM): i do believe its true
akissinmoonlight (10:51:22 PM): i wodner whats wrong.
akissinmoonlight (10:51:25 PM): seem you dont want me around.
AZguy1985 (10:51:27 PM): ?
akissinmoonlight (10:51:27 PM): seems*
KurrupteDxOnE (10:51:33 PM): carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:51:34 PM): the passio is gone & the flames died down.
AZguy1985 (10:51:39 PM): no i want you around
AZguy1985 (10:51:41 PM): carrie
AZguy1985 (10:51:57 PM): oh damn is this song
akissinmoonlight (10:52:01 PM): you udsed toi think iw as nice, now you tell all your friends that i am the antichrist
KurrupteDxOnE (10:52:12 PM): sing her the song i just said
KurrupteDxOnE (10:52:12 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:52:18 PM): i have a feeling you dont love me anymore.
AZguy1985 (10:52:22 PM): carrie don't sing
akissinmoonlight (10:52:40 PM): youre still the light of my life.
akissinmoonlight (10:52:52 PM): why dont you just pout down that knife.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:52:57 PM):
AZguy1985 (10:52:58 PM): damnit *takes aim again *
AZguy1985 (10:53:01 PM): O:-)
akissinmoonlight (10:53:02 PM): even though you poisned my coffee a little each day.
akissinmoonlight (10:53:04 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:53:05 PM): that is nice to say to him
AZguy1985 (10:53:20 PM): to him?
akissinmoonlight (10:53:24 PM): lol.
akissinmoonlight (10:53:25 PM): anyways.
akissinmoonlight (10:53:28 PM): what is everyone soing?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:53:38 PM): listening to that song
KurrupteDxOnE (10:53:40 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (10:53:46 PM): nothing just eating cake ...you want some carrie
AZguy1985 (10:53:47 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:53:48 PM): in about 10 minutes my internet will automatically shut off-and round 6 00 in the morning it will come back on.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:53:56 PM): why
AZguy1985 (10:53:56 PM): what
akissinmoonlight (10:53:58 PM): yeah i do-hand some over please.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:53:58 PM): is that
akissinmoonlight (10:54:07 PM): dause my dad has it on a tmer.
AZguy1985 (10:54:13 PM): ok *hands some cake *
akissinmoonlight (10:54:17 PM): cause my dad has it on a timer*
(10:54:19 PM) AZguy1985 has left the room.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:54:25 PM): D:
akissinmoonlight (10:54:29 PM): ::grabs & eats cake::
akissinmoonlight (10:54:31 PM): thanks chris
akissinmoonlight (10:54:32 PM): HEYY!
KurrupteDxOnE (10:54:36 PM): he left
akissinmoonlight (10:54:37 PM): WHERED HE GO!?!?1
alf20104 (10:54:55 PM): back
KurrupteDxOnE (10:54:59 PM): mike
KurrupteDxOnE (10:55:10 PM): thomas loves tiffany@!!!
akissinmoonlight (10:55:12 PM): what a jerko..he left us.
alf20104 (10:54:36 PM): i still remember the way that you laughed....that time u pushed me down the elevator shaft
akissinmoonlight (10:54:49 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:54:50 PM): yeha
KurrupteDxOnE (10:54:53 PM): wow
alf20104 (10:54:54 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:54:54 PM): lol
(10:54:55 PM) AZguy1985 has entered the room.
AZguy1985 (10:54:56 PM): what
akissinmoonlight (10:54:58 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:54:59 PM): hi
akissinmoonlight (10:55:00 PM): you left us
alf20104 (10:55:01 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:55:03 PM): you meanie.
alf20104 (10:55:04 PM): bastard
akissinmoonlight (10:55:05 PM): :-P
AZguy1985 (10:55:05 PM): i didn't do anything
alf20104 (10:55:06 PM): jk
akissinmoonlight (10:55:09 PM): you left us.
AZguy1985 (10:55:14 PM): it just wentoff
akissinmoonlight (10:55:18 PM): i feel so abandoned.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:55:23 PM):
AZguy1985 (10:55:24 PM): :'( im being serouis
akissinmoonlight (10:55:32 PM): :'( yeha me too
AZguy1985 (10:55:43 PM): carrie im sorry gives hug
alf20104 (10:55:52 PM): *shoots chris in the crotch with paint ball gun*
KurrupteDxOnE (10:55:59 PM): ouch
akissinmoonlight (10:56:02 PM): ::smacks across the face:: if you ever leave me again i swear ill leave you.
AZguy1985 (10:56:02 PM): =-O
akissinmoonlight (10:56:13 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:56:17 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (10:56:21 PM): lol carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:56:27 PM): hha
AZguy1985 (10:56:45 PM): sticks gun down mikes throat ..hehe .....sniff sorry carrie *sits in corner*
akissinmoonlight (10:56:46 PM): F-R-E-S-H-M-E-N FRESHMEN...SUCK!
akissinmoonlight (10:56:48 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:56:50 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:56:53 PM): our little cheer thing
akissinmoonlight (10:57:04 PM): were we loud at all chad?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:57:11 PM): little
akissinmoonlight (10:57:18 PM): really?
KurrupteDxOnE (10:57:21 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (10:57:24 PM): it wasnt very loud.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:57:29 PM): not that much
KurrupteDxOnE (10:57:33 PM): but little
akissinmoonlight (10:57:35 PM): it seemed like it-yet i was standing right next to them.
akissinmoonlight (10:57:36 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:57:42 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:58:17 PM): carrie
akissinmoonlight (10:58:23 PM): C-H-A-D.
akissinmoonlight (10:58:24 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:58:30 PM): we should goto a karioke club and sing that song
akissinmoonlight (10:58:37 PM): LOL heck yeah!
akissinmoonlight (10:58:47 PM): we should just like bust it out somehwere dring school.
AZguy1985 (10:58:48 PM): how about we don't sing and say we did
akissinmoonlight (10:58:49 PM): haha thatd be so funny.
KurrupteDxOnE (10:58:54 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:58:57 PM): like run around the campus singing to eachother.
akissinmoonlight (10:58:58 PM): haha
akissinmoonlight (10:58:59 PM): :-P lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:59:03 PM): lol
alf20104 (10:59:03 PM): what song?
alf20104 (10:59:04 PM): ?
akissinmoonlight (10:59:04 PM): thatd be great/
AZguy1985 (10:59:07 PM): im not with them lol
KurrupteDxOnE (10:59:07 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (10:59:08 PM): oh ,mkkie
akissinmoonlight (10:59:11 PM): that song was funny.
akissinmoonlight (10:59:14 PM): hhaa shut uo chrius
akissinmoonlight (10:59:18 PM): haha shut up chris*
alf20104 (10:59:21 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (10:59:27 PM): :-P
alf20104 (10:59:34 PM): 8-)
AZguy1985 (10:59:52 PM): sowhat kind of crazy thing do you want to do when i come down
AZguy1985 (10:59:53 PM): hehe
akissinmoonlight (10:59:56 PM): hey its aboutto disconnect me1
akissinmoonlight (11:00:00 PM): soo
alf20104 (11:00:03 PM): nooo!
akissinmoonlight (11:00:03 PM): goodnight guys..
KurrupteDxOnE (11:00:05 PM): ill miss you
KurrupteDxOnE (11:00:07 PM): lol
alf20104 (11:00:09 PM): ok, goodnight!
akissinmoonlight (11:00:12 PM): when it disconnects me anyways
akissinmoonlight (11:00:12 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (11:00:12 PM): cyaz
alf20104 (11:00:13 PM): ::hug::
akissinmoonlight (11:00:15 PM): ill miss you too chad@!
akissinmoonlight (11:00:18 PM): i love you all!!
akissinmoonlight (11:00:21 PM): ::hugs everyone::
KurrupteDxOnE (11:00:21 PM):
alf20104 (11:00:24 PM): right back at you
KurrupteDxOnE (11:00:25 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (11:00:25 PM): ::group hug::
akissinmoonlight (11:00:27 PM): lolo
alf20104 (11:00:28 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (11:00:29 PM): aw man
KurrupteDxOnE (11:00:32 PM): group orgy
AZguy1985 (11:00:32 PM): :-\
akissinmoonlight (11:00:34 PM): LOL.
akissinmoonlight (11:00:36 PM): yeha thadt it.
alf20104 (11:00:36 PM): LOL
akissinmoonlight (11:00:36 PM): haha
(11:00:55 PM) alf20104 has left the room.
akissinmoonlight (11:01:26 PM): guys
AZguy1985 (11:01:29 PM): what
KurrupteDxOnE (11:01:30 PM): yea
akissinmoonlight (11:01:32 PM): i feel like making love to ken.
AZguy1985 (11:01:37 PM): oh man
akissinmoonlight (11:01:38 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (11:01:40 PM): :-\
KurrupteDxOnE (11:01:42 PM): well
akissinmoonlight (11:01:44 PM): making him beocme aman/.
akissinmoonlight (11:01:45 PM): haha
AZguy1985 (11:01:53 PM): im to old for this
akissinmoonlight (11:01:57 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (11:02:13 PM): hey its not disconnecting me.
akissinmoonlight (11:02:16 PM): ......
KurrupteDxOnE (11:02:18 PM): yeay
AZguy1985 (11:02:19 PM): coolness
KurrupteDxOnE (11:02:20 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (11:02:21 PM): watch now it does
akissinmoonlight (11:02:23 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (11:02:24 PM): :-P
KurrupteDxOnE (11:02:25 PM): lol
AZguy1985 (11:02:28 PM): don't jinz it
AZguy1985 (11:02:30 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (11:02:37 PM): haha yes that is true.don you jinx it either@
akissinmoonlight (11:02:38 PM): !
akissinmoonlight (11:02:41 PM): lol
KurrupteDxOnE (11:02:43 PM): lol
akissinmoonlight (11:02:46 PM): ..........
AZguy1985 (11:02:52 PM): ok i won't as long as you don't slap me again
akissinmoonlight (11:02:52 PM): im just like waiting for it.
akissinmoonlight (11:02:57 PM): haha alright.

haha that was so much fun. :D well alright i must be on my way. lol. we have the BIG GAME tonight. wo0t. im very excited haha. were gonna kill the freshmen. :P alright..well bye!
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