Nov 22, 2010 15:02
In the order of pressing need/want:
-money (bills need to be paid cry)
- gift certs to clothing stores (I need new clothes)
- mp3 player (on last legs, the battery used to last a week, today it died after two days though I've had this since like grade 10, so it's served me well)
- hair dryer (I think the one in my house is older than me, could use a diffusing attachment too)
- Polaroid camera (for the hipster in me lololol)
- serger (been wanting one for yearsssssss)
- D slr (read note for serger lol)
do not need:
- cosmetics/nail polish (I have everything I want/need for the next 30years, unless it's from Asia :p)
- random gift sets (you know I just regift them anyways)
This post was brought to you on a iPod touch.... Which I'm borrowing from max until my laptop power cord comes in. So hard to type with ughhhhh