Moved to it's own post

Jan 06, 2009 09:14

You know, I was being kind of glib in my last post but if LJ dies it really will suck.

I have several years of my life archived on this site and yes, I do go back on occasion and look at what I posted at various points in time. My life has changed in (what are to me at least) amazing ways in the time since I've been playing on here and this is the only record of that.

Also, LJ is huge part of my social interaction with many people I care about. It's my homepage, I usually read my friends page several times in an average day. I vent here when I'm angry, I goof here when I feel silly, my friends list is so complete that I can use it as my sole means of sending out invitations to parties and such also it is my main means of finding out about events and goings on that others have happening.

LJ was the catalyst for me reconnecting with friends in other parts of the country with whom I had been out of touch with for years and from there meeting and getting to know a whole bunch of other wonderful people. That was a huge deal for me. It also allows me to easily keeps tabs on how things are in their lives on a day-to-day basis.

I'm not saying that I'll no longer be able to maintain friendships with everyone if LJ dies. I'm just saying I'll miss LJ if it goes away ..... a lot.


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