Week 3 Results.

Jul 08, 2006 18:31

Really, we need more than 5 votes. Its hardly fair to eliminate an icon on two votes. But i'm not in the mood to beg for more votes, so here are your results.

Best Fit Lyrics:

// llilliathari

Thank you so much for participating to the two people eliminated! But remember, you can still vote in every challenge and help to pick our winner! After all, if you didnt, we'd only have like 8 people voting! So help us vote and select our winner, and I hope you all will come back next session!

Constructive Criticism:

#1: I dont like how there is just a random red spt on the middle of the icon, and the text seems to have just sort of been slapped on there.
#1 : The text is not fit over the icon and parts of L and N are not visible. The red light in the middle is hurting the eye.(Although the selected picture looks good and the lyric fits the icon)
01-the picture is rather clear but the icon looks a little plain and not worked on, and the light texture has not been used to its full effect
1 - The text didn't seem to fit the icon and the red spot seemed simple. I think there was borders originally around it, but I can't see them.
#01 - The red dot seemed a bit odd to me :/ and the icon itself is a bit too simple.

#2 Even thought the whole icon looks good the pink and red color on the right are so intense and do not go well with whole icon.
02-interesting design, but the brush is a little overbearing

3 - I didn't think that the text didn't match it even though the background is very pretty.

#5: The edge on the top doesnt fit the icon at all, and the text should have either been all capital letters, or it should have been smaller in all lower case.

#08 - This was a hard choice, so I don't have much to say. But I have to go with the small text, it was a bit hard to read. And the icon could have been brighter, imo.
But really, this is getting hard, so I have to pick on the smallest things. T_T I really liked the icon.

And remember, everyone who was eliminated can still vote for our winner! We need your votes to make this community run, since its hardly fair for me to choose a winner on my own!

And for the 6 people who got through, the Round 4 submissions are up. From now on, there is only going to be one elimination a week, so it'll be a bit easier. But it'll also be stiffer competition, so do your best!


EDIT: 6:48 PM

And here is a list of the remaining 6 participants:

In order of sign-up

01. echizenryuma
02. light_flower
03. iceblue1389
04. moonescape
05. kira_mali
06. llilliathari

session 1, round 3, results

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