Round 3 Results

Sep 19, 2006 19:59

Here are our Round 3 Eliminations! I think this week, one of the icons is a good example of the motto from Project Runway. "In fashion, one day you're in, and the next're out." XD

Thank you to you both for participating in this session of seed_lims! Please stick around and continue to vote so you can help pick this session's winner!

Best Subject (Tie!)

// ousni


// teletha

Best Overall Icon

// kira_mali

Congrats to you all! All three of you get one vote deducted from next week's eliminations!

01: i'm not a bi fan of the layout and subject of the icon. its a nice idea, but i dont like how the bird takes up most of the focus of the icon.
1. I like the idea, but Torii is just too big and blocks Athrun and Kira too much.

icon #2 : too dark, the whole icon is too even/uniform. A light texture in a corner would have been better.
2: The picture of Gil is a little too dark and the icon is weighed far too heavily in the top left corner. Gil might have looked better if he was more saturated too because he stands out a little too much.
2 : I like the character's choice and the cropping that fits well with Dullindal's personality. However, it's still too dark or too blurry. There's too much contrast between the character and the background.
The texture looks good but the tiny text brush should have been shorter.
#2 : The icon is too dark. Gil almost looks black.
#2 - The icon itself looks pretty, but it's too dark. It could also need some sharpening.
#2- It's a bit too dark and the coloring of the character is pretty blurred together and hard to make out.

3 : The cropping is interesting, but the placement of the tiny text is not really perfect. The brush is too long, it would have been better if it was the same size as the little Kira's squares. I don't clearly see the flower brush on the bottom, so it's a bit useless to put it if one can't see it.

04: this was a hard choice, but i think the icon is too lightt. i'm not a big fan of light icons, so i'd have to be against it for that.
#4: Pretty icon but it looks too simple and colorless. The tiny text on the icon looks so random

icon #5 : although the icon is very original, the picture stands out too much from the brush under. Probably because of the colors that could have been softened with a gradient.
5. I don't like the white background. It would have been prettier imo with a nicer base.
#5 - I didn't find the texture fitting, mostly because of the colors I think. That, and it looks a bit messy overall ^^; the image cropped could also use some more work(colors? *shrug*).
#5- It seems pretty plain. There isn't much detail aside from the mask and the picture. It needs a little more.
-1 vote for bonus win in Round 2

6: This icon is a little plain as far as colour and composition go. The bar on the side is a little too thick and the dotted texture doesn't fit the rest of the icon.
6: Too simple. I like the colouring of the icon but the side stuff makes the icon looks really too stiff. If it was made without all those too straight stuff and made it something different. It would have improved.
-1 vote for bonus win in Round 2

7: First of all it's too birght. The image of Athrun's colouring doesn't look nice. and that really colorful texture doesn't help. Try focusing on the colours more often.

So now we're down to the final 5. Only one person will be eliminated one week, so get your "Cursive & Borderless" icons in by Saturday!


session 2, round 3, results

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