Jul 10, 2010 19:18

My road trip to West Virginia has been cancled. My granny isn't realizing her age.
I was looking forward to that trip too. Sadly.

I got home from work today, and took a nap and read some books. Then, i decided to go on a drive through the city with my pops. We got some sushi. We drove around and talked. It was nice. He awkwardly told me how proud he was of me.
We where talking about careers, or something along the lines of jobs that would be awesome. He said, "Yeah, but it doesn't really matter what you do. You're pretty and smart. But that doesn't matter either. I love you any way." I didn't know what to say. I just said, "That's good." And then he said, "Now your Mother...I'm not sure how she feels about you. She's on the fence." I just let out a forced laugh.

Then, he was telling me about his first job. He evicted people and mowed the lawn of a section 8 apartment complex. He said he didn't have a job ouside of selling drugs untill he was in his twenties. He told me he was proud of me for working...and he was proud of my brothers for working. He said that when he was our age, he was a jerk and all of his friends where jerks. He said that he can't get over how good we are, and that God let him have such a good family.
My Dad's standards must be pretty low. But, I'm happy to have that kind of Dad. Most Dads are not like him.

I screwed up a bunch of times at work today. When I got there, I kept getting asked if I was hung over. Mr. Augie said, " What's wrong Sara?" and I said nothing. He said, "Your're ussually so bubbly and and all giddy to be here." He said this while doing some hand gesters involving like...spirit finigers mixed with praising the sky. I wasn't sure what that was. I heard him start whispering something about it being senior week.

But really? Really? I mean....even if I was partying and celebrating senior week. How pathetic would I be by celebrating my senior freedom, in my room, alone, the night after i work, before i have to get up at 7AM and go to work? Am I that pathetic? I think not!

No- I'm proud to say I was not hung over. Just tired from all the excitement that working 9 days in a row brings. And getting up before the sun.

(The following rant was from sometime in june. livejournal saved it for me. I'm going to post it now.)
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