May 20, 2010 21:19
Okay, so this summer, I have a bucket list. Which really, it shouldn't be called a bucket list....because it has nothing to do with accomplishments I'm aiming for before I "Kick the Bucket". I'll call it an..."old drawing board"; because it has everything to do with what I hope to achieve before I go back to "The old drawing board."
HA. I'M HILARIOUS!....but really. I'm a bit tired, and I've had a ton of caffeine.
I've come to the conclusion that anyone with time to blog, has a good life.
I've also realized that I need to carry around a little pad of paper and write down random thoughts. I like thinking random things and then relfecting on them. I can never remember them later though.
One that I had on the way home today, was that I should make a document on microsoft that has all the ideas of things I can do projects on. One of them would be "Why do people say God Bless you?" I mean....REALLY why people say God Bless you. Like the science behind it all!
I'm finished school. It hit me on the way home. I mean...YEAH. I have college and all that....but no more high school. NO MORE EFFING HIGH SCHOOL! It actually hit me. I know it actually hit me this time- because I started laughing like a mad-woman. I really did! I just stared cracking up on peninsula on my way home from work. I was going hystarical. I felt like screaming and beeping my horn and laughing.
No more "TAKE YOUR HAT OFF" or pointless trips to the office when I'm late....or stupid lectures from mrs. wetzel...or hand books....or poinltess chatter...or assigned seating...or awkward lucnhes (those ended a while ago...thank god.) or....raising my hand to go pee. or asking permission to get a sip of water. or asking permission to get a tissue. or needing a pass to go ask guidance a question.
I'm going to miss a few things. I'm going to miss being immature. I'm going to miss the lack of responsibility for my own mistakes. I'm going to miss a few people. I'm going to miss the relationships with teachers....and I'm going to miss that stability. I'm going to miss how comfortable I was there....I really am. There is no other school I could have went to, and enjoyed it more. I'm really greatful for Sparrows Point....and I'm really going to miss a lot of the teachers. If they never taught me anything- they taught other students stuff, I'm sure.
I'm deffinately not going to miss waking up at 6-6:30 every morning to get there on time. NOPE NOPE NOPE!
At work, I've been given a lot more freedoms. They've been letting me plant up things in the green house, and process deliveries, etc. etc. I like that. And they've been calling me in early, or asking me to stay later. I like that- because it makes me feel needed and less of a burden. I'm still learning so much there. I really do love my job some days....I thank God for it. There is no better way I'd like to make money.
I want to get my diving lisence. I keep calling it my "scuba diving lisence" and my dad get's real pissy and defensive. I want to go see 311, Pepper, and the offsrping. I want to see matisyahu, sublime with rome, and the dirty heads. I want to go to CiY....I want to go to YiM....i want to give blood....I want to go to a black church.... I want to paint faces at the heritage fair.....and I want to be in the fourth of july parade....I want to have a few days where I sit alone in nature....I want to walk my dog once a week....i want to read on the beack in ocean city.