Ikki - Vatheon App

Jan 19, 2011 00:53

[ Player Name ] : Ania
[ Personal LJ ] : strawbryshuichi
[ Age ] : 22
[ Timezone ] : Est
[ Other Characters ] :

[ Character's Name ] : Minami "Ikki" Itsuki
[ Character's Age ] : 16
[ Series ] : Air Gear
[ Canon Point ] : Post Kyoto Arc with Ikki in the hospital

[ History ] :

[ Personality ] :
Ikki is a rash, hard-headed and stubborn young man. His personality, while most pieces remain stable, changes a lot, like the wind that he is so fond of. He is constantly in motion, never being able to stay in one place for a long time, and he feel suffocated when he cannot see the sky and feel his beloved, The Wind. Ikki has always lacked in academic studies, but what he lacked there, he made up for with sheer stupidity, perversion and rudeness. Ikki is a teenage boy, and any opportunity to watch girls undress or just watch titties bounce around will not be missed and shall be given a most reverent welcome. The boy has no class what so ever and is very single-minded.

On the other hand, Ikki is extremely loyal, kind-hearted, devoted and respected by his teammates. His loyalty to his friends knows almost no bounds, and he would do anything for them. When he is fighting or riding AT, he becomes very serious, to the point of his teammates commenting that he becomes intimidating and scary. He fights to protect himself, his friends, and other people such as innocent bystanders. Even when one of his teammates, Akito, showed his rather obvious affection for Ikki, while it initially freaked him out, he no longer pushes the boy away as he cares for him too. So much so that Ikki hand feeds Agkito when they hadn't eaten for a long time!

He has always pushed to be the very best. Ikki fought everyday in his first year to make sure everyone knows he's the toughest kid in school. And he practices Air Trekking behind everyone's back to make sure he stays the best he can be, going as far as taking special training courses for his idol to build up his back and to be able to shift his center of gravity as he pleases. Ikki's training grounds are scarred from every day practices. His single-mindedness is set on AT and he takes care of his equipment with the meticulous care of a pro-skater. His mind is so set on AT that he fails to notice his friend's affection for him, and is set instead on figuring out a "Windmill Theory" that another Storm Rider has revealed to him as the secret behind The Rumble King. Ikki is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities. In truth, he works very hard behind the others' backs, as is revealed when Kuu brings his friends to his secret training area, where the scars left over by his training could be seen in chapter 87.

His attitude is that of a high school rebel, which fit perfectly with his gangster-like persona, however, there are times when he can think beyond others' perceivable concept and at several intervals can spout deep philosophies that more often than not impact those around him. One such incident was the Pomtemkin brothers' battle, where Ikki's plan caused an initial falling out among the Kogarasumaru, where in fact he had his own solution to the problem. Although he can basically word-vomit these deep, insightful thoughts, Ikki can easily miss the obvious. If Ikki hadn't fallen in love with the wind, and had applied himself in school, he may have been a brilliant strategist, as abstract ideas come easy to him, being able to plan out a fight of game perfectly.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

+ Loyalty and Devotion: Once you become Ikki's friend, it's very hard to get rid of him, and he will basically bend-over backwards for you.
+ Perseverance: Well...If Ikki just gave up and took it up the ass Akito would shit himself there wouldn't be much of a manga, huh?
+ Dedication: Although Ikki claims his AT talents are from his own genius, he actually practices behind all his team members' backs to be the best he can be, his practice site scarred from his hard rides. Basically, Ikki breathes and sleeps AT...He only eats meat, though. :D

-- Short-sightedness: His plans aren't always thought out enough to consider possible long term effects
-- Stubbornness: He will fight for his right...to paaaaarty~ what he believes is right, even if it's...Not...Really....Right....
-- Obliviousness: The boy is dense to anything 'cept for AT
-- Pervertedness:....Boobies...He loves 'em

Ikki likes to scream "Osu!" during a battle
[ Other Important Facts ] :
Ikki can kick pretty much anyone's ass in a street fight.
Ikki's favorite wrestler is Antonio Inoki
Ikki likes to scream "Osu!" during a battle.
He literally has a bird's nest in his hair.

[ Sample ] :

Ikki opened his eyes, blinking against the light around him. Breathing in, he realized he's not where he remembered being, on a bench outside of the hospital. The air smells too salty to be Japan, but that wasn't what bothered him.

Looking down at his hands, which held a small starfish remote looking thing, Ikki squinted, staring at it. When did he get one? Looking around, seeing no one there, Ikki began messing with the buttons and turned the video on.

"What the....Huh..." The young man squinted at the small device before realization hit.

"HOLY SHIT, I'M FUCKIN' DROWNING!!!" The small device flew to the ground, as Ikki started to flip out like a ninja with severe seizures. Profanity flew left and right as Kuu, the crow living inside of Ikki's hair began to flail around as his house was disturbed by Ikki's flailing.

As Ikki begins to "choke" on water, he grasps his neck, throwing himself to the ground and wiggling around like some retarded worm.

"H-help!!! Someone!!" The boy was clearly not right in the head.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : P-please be gentle~.

vatheon, !app

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