Oh hey! I’ve basically stopped writing here but I still all your entries, so I thought I should do a little update myself as it’s been about six months.
Good things:
I got a new job a couple of months ago, one that’s much less stressful and better paid.
My beautiful niece/goddaughter, Cassie, was born in April. Pictures below.
Things with Chris are still fabulous. Following his brother’s wedding last week, his family are hinting heavily that we should get married and when I asked him if they were just putting him off the idea, he just replied, “It has to be a surprise.” Yay! I just hope he doesn’t wait ten years to surprise me.
We went to Cuba in May, which was lovely. Although it did rain a lot, and not the tropical kind of downpour... more English-style rain. Pictures are on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.mclaughlin2/media_set?set=a.708006300284.1073741829.274301194&type=3I got new guinea pigs - two brothers. They’re very cute but I haven’t managed to form the same bond with them yet that I have with Monty (who is getting old now. He’s fairly healthy but definitely slowing down a little, so I live in fear of the inevitable. But I make sure to appreciate all the time I have left with him).
My cat has calmed down a bit and started behaving better. Most of the time.
Bad things:
Well, just one bad thing. The health problems I talked about in my last entry have gotten worse. The hospital are still deciding the best way of treating the fibroids (which have grown again). I’m now very anaemic and yesterday my doctor was considering me for a blood transfusion. Thankfully my levels weren’t quite low enough to need one, so I’m taking iron tablets and some other medicine, and I’ve been signed off work for two weeks so I can just rest. I’ve been feeling really weak lately. Doing everyday things is making me tired and breathless, with a pounding head and heart. I need to sit down and recover for a minute when I walk upstairs. I think I might go back to work next week because they’ll be short staffed, but for the next few days at least I’m camping out on the sofa with my duvet. It’s a cold August.
On our two year anniversary in April.
Cassie when she was born.
Cassie now :)
My brother is a proud dad
My nephews and their new hens
Mark and Ashley’s wedding
New guinea pigs, Ollie and Benji