Things are okay. Ste and I have been spending lots of time together and enjoying each other’s company again. He takes me out more now. It’s nice. We haven’t really been arguing since we got back together - we discuss things that weigh on the mind, we’re both always honest and sometimes that can be hurtful. But what I mean is, we aren’t bickering or annoying each other (at the moment). Maybe the fact that we almost gave up on it all scared us into getting along better.
We went to see his family again this evening, this time I got to meet two of his brothers and their partners. His father actually talked directly to me tonight, something I didn’t expect because apparently he doesn’t normally do that with people his kids bring home until he’s known them for a while. I got to see some of Ste’s old school books from when he was a little kid. And his niece drew pictures for me and kept chatting to me all night. She’s really hyper. I had a nice time.
It’s Ste's birthday next week. I’ve ordered him the new Liverpool shirt from Ebay. It’s going to be late because there was a problem with payment but it’s worth waiting for, I know he’ll like it. The guy loves football. He always says that I’m obsessed with photographs but he is equally obsessed with football. Everybody has a thing, I guess.
I’m annoyed with Shell. I haven’t seen her in about two months, just because I had to move out of the flat. I wanted to carry on seeing my friends, obviously, but she and Chris hardly had the time to talk to me even when I was still living with them. Things were definitely different when we all got back in September, I kept getting left out of things. When she went home for Christmas she didn’t say goodbye to me. Not long ago I asked if we could meet up to chat and she said she’d see me last week. I never heard from her. She’s meant to be my best friend but I always secretly thought that if I didn’t live with her, she wouldn’t spend time with me. That’s just how it is when it comes to me making friends. I can talk to people in school or whatever but they never make an effort to see me socially even when they say they will. Now I basically have nobody to talk to; no way of meeting people since I don’t have classes or a job.
Oh yeah, I signed on for the first time on Friday. I’m officially a dole victim! Although I’ve never had a real job, I never wanted to sign on because I always had enough money to live off. I didn’t want to be given money when I wasn’t actually looking for work. But now my life funds are low and I’m not having any luck with my job search... so yes, I need the money. Bleh. Ste helps me out and pays for what he can, but I do still have to give him some money to help with food and rent, it’s only fair.
Just a few more days and I’m done with the project!
February 2nd:
At a party.
February 3rd:
It’s always cloudy. The weather was terrible here last weekend.
February 4th:
Stained glass windows in the cathedral.
February 5th:
One of my comfy tops.
February 6th:
Hair curlers.
February 7th:
Building for sale.
February 8th:
In the pub.
February 9th:
Pineapple. Mmm.