Jan 24, 2006 19:54
i just realized that valentines day is soon. the holiday that hates me. that day, is like a living nightmare for me. it always ends up in either a heartbreak, a break down, or something else horrible.
this year. i thought everything was going to be better on valentines day. i had someone who i deeply cared for and loved. and i was like "maybe this year will be different, maybe one year something good with happen to me".
ugh like yeah. even back in elementary school valentines day was never good. i know elementary school, wooop de doooo, that's nothing. but i remember it sucking. something about cards or something. ANYWAY.
so i thought this year would be different. i had a beautiful boyfriend. who cared for me in every way that i could possibly imagine. ways that no one has cared for me before. he was the best one i've gotten. no one had ever treated me as well as he did. i was hardly ever introduced as his friend, when i had met new friends of his -say at a party- then knew then that i was his girlfriend. in my life, no other guy has ever done that for me before. he would hold my hand in public. and kiss me every second that he got the chance. not caring who was watching, or what was going through anyones head. he was simply amazing. but of course i messed everything up.
i lost the one boy who i actually thought i would be with for a long time. i knew it was too good to be true. everything was perfect together. but relationships for me are disastors. ugh. it's so lame.
all i want is him back. another chance to do it all over again. do everything right. fix my mistakes. just one more chance to kiss him. hug him. hold his hand. be there with him. have that feeling that while i was with him, nothing else going on in the world mattered. because when i was with him, i was at peace. cheesey sounding, but true. ughughugh.
is that too much to ask for?