New Places... Old Faces...

Jun 12, 2005 20:32

I'm now staying with a different aunt. She rox.. I love her to death. (This is the one who came down to visit me a few weeks ago.) I'm loving my little Massachusetts adventure. Traveling all over the state, it's so beautiful and fun. Uhh chilling with Chelsi was so much fun. I've known that girl for so long. She was actually my first girlfried before I came out. We dated for two years! I got there on friday and Chelsi and I went out with a few of my old friends and her current ones. We smoked a lil weed in the car ride but when we got to this kid Kevin's house we just sat and relaxed. I was starving because I hadn't eaten all day (The weed probably didn't help). We decided to head back to her place because our original intention was to go swimming in his very large pool. That kid is so fucking rich you have no idea. It was fun just going into his house. So we left and brought some people to her house. They ditched us to go jump around on a trampolene (what losers lol) Chels and I didn't mind cuz' we love just talking to one another. We ordered a pizza and a few appetizers to cure our "munchies" and then everybody came back. We started watching Stepford Wives on my little portable DVD player. People went home every few minutes til it was finally just Chels, Lindsay, and Me. We all tried our hardest to stay awake but since it was getting to be early in the morning we just passed out. It sucked for both of them because they had softball practice in the morning. Me, I got to sleep in lol. So I awoke to an empty house and just showered and a few cigarettes. They finally got back and we all went to Panera Bread for lunch. (Chels and I will never forget that Bean Soup lol). After that, we all headed back to the house so that her and Linds could shower. (Chels and Linds are sisters of only 1 year apart. Their family has a total of four children, but their parents can manage lol, Chels has like her own appartment on the upstairs of the house). After that we headed to Rhode Island where their youngest sister was playing a softball tournement. We planned on making an appearance and then going to the Providence Mall. That was fun, let me tell you. The friggin' mall had 5 stories and it was filled with awesome stores. I was a little depressed because I spent all the money I flew down with and my Mom hasn't sent me my paycheck yet, so I was pretty much broke. My friends are wicked chill tho, they took care of me. Anywayz, we killed a few hours there then left. Next thing, we planned a party. I hadn't gotten drunk in forever so they gathered some people to play this drinking game called Root. Chels' mom picked up two 18 packs of beer and a six pack of Twisted Green apple Shmiernoff for me. The party was hott. It has definetely got to be ten times better than that college party I went to last summer. I.. Got.. SO... WASTED! lol. I have never been more drunk in my LIFE! I was barely aware of anything I was doing. Drinking makes me sooo horny and I felt bad beacause I kept hitting on Chels' brother who was also drunk. I must have had an erection like 4 times. Nikki had to drag me out of the room. Thank GOD lol. The kids like 3 years younger than me and doesnt even know his sexuality. I won't go into detail but I am glad that Kikki got me out of that situation. Chels woulda killed me. After everyone started leaving, it was just Chels and I sitting on her balcony smoking a cigarette. I kept falling over in a sleepy way, I was completely shitface and Chels was trying to have a serious talk about her boy toubles. She ended up assisting me onto the couch insisting that I slept. I complied an passed out. Uhh but when I woke up in the morning, I vowed NEVER TO DRINK AGAIN!! lol. It was terrible I was still dizzy and lightheaded. Everybody was at practice again so I was alone and hung over. I managed to take a shower and make myself look more presentable than the demon I was when I woke up. When everybody got back we all felt pretty much the same: drained, and tired. We made lunch then headed upstairs to the appartment to just chillll... We finished watching the movie we started two nights ago while I straightened Chelsi's hair. That fucking shit took me 3 hours to do! It was so humid that I didn't even see the point, but she looked friggin' hot when it was done. Then as evening approached, we all ate a true Italian Dinner with their dad and then I started getting my things together. I had an amazing time! That weekend made me soo depressed tho. I really miss doing this type of stuff. I never have that much fun in FL. I am kinda emotional right now. I miss my friends already and I only left them like a few hours ago. Well on te brightside, I left a few things there, so when I go back to Shrewsbury to see my BABY Mariessa, I can always go over and visit and retrieve my items. But I really must be going. My Aunt ahs to do a few things before she goes to bed. I love and miss you all! I will definately update soon. Kisses!
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