Sep 21, 2008 21:23
Richard had spent several weeks searching out the first five of Karen’s attackers, finding one had died by his own hand in the past year and another so far gone in drink and drugs that his mind was very hard to read. Finally, Richard had determined that he was truly sorry for what he and his friends had done and needed only to send him on his way to the police to confess his part.
Of the other four, three were still living in the same neighborhood and were still as he had seen them in her mind. Their arrogant and careless pasts littered with the woman they had taken, used and cast aside. With each he had followed them, caught them unawares and fed only enough on their blood to read their memories. Any memory of himself he had erased from their minds and left them to awaken the next morning with the memory of that night foremost in their minds until they were driven to confess to the police for their many crimes, not only against his charming belle chere, but against all the others they had wronged together and individually. Only once they had shown true remorse would they find relief.
Karen’s ‘beautiful boy’ had moved himself to Manhattan and become a young lion of the financial district, raping the accounts of his clients, taking their entrusted funds in much the same way he had taken Karen’s innocence and with as little regard or conscience. This one, he decided, would find no relief from experiencing each moment of what he had done to the lovely child his pretty one had been. Death would be his only release from the torture of his own mind.
Allowing the beast within him full rein, Richard stalked his prey, allowing himself to be glimpsed on the edge of the vile human’s vision repeatedly as he went about his evenings revels. Each glimpse accompanied by a wave of terror he sent into the bastard’s mind until finally he broke away from the group with whom he made merry and fled to his apartment only to find his nightmare awaiting him. With a swift and vicious attack, Richard savaged the foul dog and drained him near to death, implanting Karen’s memories into his mind and healing his physical wounds. Leaving him a drooling, babbling wreck on the floor of his bedroom, the vampire left with a smile on his lips, kneeling to whisper in the human’s ear once before he took to the night. “You will not seek death by your own hand, wretch, but rather live long and fully appreciate the gift I have given you. God may someday forgive your crimes, but my justice will not leave you until death comes for you.” Placing a picture of the beautiful child Karen had been into the vile creature’s mind, the vampire urged him to remember always that his punishment was come from his own deeds.