just an update

Mar 01, 2006 12:30

Ok, so a lot has been going on lately! Baby is doing fine! He's always moving! I'm finally starting to look like I'm pregnant, other than just fat! My boobs are HUGE! Mrs. Julie was calling me "Boobs Magee" the other day! lol! I was a "B" and I have grown to a "D" and I'm about to pop out of my "D" bras! It's crazy! I hope they shrink down some after Clayton pops out! LOL! Allen is going to talk to our Landlord about adding on another room for the baby! We think he will be fine with it, but if not, then we will have to find another place!

Friday- I didn't go to school! So, I drove to my dad's house to pick up the baby pictures that I left there, then I met Allen at the pasture, and drove around with him in the dump truck. Lol! That was crazy! Then Friday night, Robby, Cathy, Mara, Mexican Eric, Jew, Austin, and Stephen all came over. It was nice, we had a fire going and everything. Then we all rode out to Neil's. Me, Allen, and Mara stopped to pick up Mike on the way there! Well, we hung out at Neil's for a couple hours, and then we left! Allen and I dropped Mike and Mara off at Mike's! Lol, me and Allen got about half way home and decided to be "adventurous".

Saturday- Me and Mara went to work with Mike and Allen! After we got to the job site, Mr. Richard had us running errands for him! Then when we got back to the site, we talked to the boys while they took their break. Then Allen, got on the machine and a big log went through and pinned his leg to the side. His ankle was swollen 2 times the normal size! He tried to get on the machine again, but it just hurt him too bad, so Richard sent him home! Anyways, Mike stayed at work! So, me, allen and mara went and picked up Jesse, and then headed back to our house! When we got home, we all decided to go fishing! I kept catching little red snapper, catfish, and blue crabs! Allen ended up catching a 41 1/2 inch snook! It weighed 25 lbs.! It was the biggest snook I have ever seen! We we're all pretty tired, so me and allen went to bed and mike and mara slept on the couch.

Sunday- Woke up at 5am to Allen's alarm clock! Him and Mike left and went hunting at the park! Woke up again at 10:30, and then me and mara went to wal-mart and big-lots. On the way home, we went and picked up Kristle and Laine! He is so cute! As soon as he saw me, he ran up to me and gave me a hug screaming "aunt wiz! aunt wiz!" I took them home around 4 and then me and Mara spent an hour and a 1/2 cooking all of the fish! Then, Allen called and said he was on his way home, but he had to go by mike's first to drop something off with Karen. I started getting these really bad cramps, so I called Mrs. Julie to see what was up! She told me that I needed to go to the hospital! So, Mara called Allen and told him! Well, Allen and Mike hauled ass to the house, then the four of us went to the emergency room! They rolled me back to the women's center and had some things hooked up to my stomach! After about an hour, they decided it was just my ligament stretching! And of course, there is nothing I can do for it except take some tylenol!

Monday- Left the house at 8am to go to Tillman and take my FCAT reading retake! Got back home at 10:30 and then me and Allen layed in bed for a little bit, and then we ate lunch and went back to sleep! We finally woke up at 5:30! Then we drove out to Tosh and Davi's so Allen could pick up his new dog! I went inside and talked with Davi for awhile... well, TRIED to talk to Davi! Lol, Niya had me reading to her the whole time! Then, me and Allen went home, and John Rhodes, and Jesse came over! Then they left at like 11:45!

Today- Took Allen to work, then I went back to sleep! Came to school, and when I get done here, I'm going over to Julie's to wait for Allen to get off of work! Then we have to go get 3 new puppies! one is ours, one is Keneth's, and one is Mike's! Then, I get to shoot a hog!!!! yay! Allen has to clean it for our neighbor! Anyways... I'm going to go! ily all!

-Elizabeth Laura
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