Route 29 Application

Aug 18, 2030 20:46

Name: Olivia
Livejournal Username: kirlias
AIM/MSN: AIM: zekroms
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
Current Characters in Route: Xanxus [getmesomewhisky], Matt Engarde [usedrefresh]

Name: Catherine
Series: Catherine
Timeline: 7th Night, after Vincent leaves the bar
Canon Resource Links:
Catherine the game
Catherine the character

Being a succubus, Catherine is very talented at her role, which is, of course, seducing men. She will do whatever it takes to tempt her victims, even if she has to get a little aggressive with them. Although she is perfectly capable of going after men she doesn't even like, it is highly unlikely that Catherine would want to do that here; without Dumuzid and the whole nightmare business, she's free to do whatever she wants, and she's certainly not going to want to bother with men she finds undesirable anymore. In the Good/True Cheater Endings, Catherine even admits that she spent time with Vincent when she was supposed to be seducing other men, suggesting that she gives higher priority to men she's genuinely interested in; not necessarily in a romantic way, but if she finds them to be amusing or whatnot. The men she will usually go after tend to be at least in their late 20's, but sometimes she will go after younger men, so long as they aren't teenagers (although she may tease them just to get a reaction out of them) or children.

However, when conducting herself in public, Catherine will be trying to keep up her facade as the bubbly, energetic girl who is enamored with Vincent. Since he has not yet broken up with her in her canon point, she will continue to cling to him as much as possible, though will fool around with other men in secret when they aren't together. In the event that Vincent breaks up with her again, she will react in the same violent way that she does in the game, and then will be much more open about spending time with other men.

Other minor details are revealed about Catherine through various scenes in the game. For example, she appears to have a fear of ants, as shown by her reaction to them swarming in Vincent's room, though the fear could extend to other bugs as well. She also says in the same scene that she has a sweet tooth. Another scene indicates that Catherine has a love for horror movies; she begs Vincent to take her to see a horror movie that would be out of the theaters soon and was very distressed about the thought of missing it. But perhaps the most crucial detail of all is her relationship with her father, Nergal. Although the two seem to have a borderline abusive relationship, as shown by Catherine kicking him in the crotch and yelling at him for intruding in her conversation with Vincent in the Good/True Cheater Endings, she apparently plays video games with him quite often; during a phone call with Vincent, she yells at Nergal not to skip her turn, and in the Good/True Cheater Endings, Nergal says that Catherine promised to play video games with him that night.
+ Very good at seducing men
+ Skilled actress
+ Attractive
+ Free spirit

- Bossy at times
- Prone to violence when angry
- Fear of bugs
- Not used to having to worry about things such as illnesses, money, etc. due to being a demon

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Breeder
Starter: Ditto
Password: taco bell

First Person Sample:
[The video feed turns on suddenly to a blonde-haired woman with tiny black dots for eyes grinning like an idiot into the camera. She seems pleased that she got the thing to work.]


[...Wait a sec--]

Hey! Stop going through my stuff!

[Another voice shouts and the PokéGear is snatched from the woman. The culprit appears to be her twin sister, except she clearly has normal-looking blue eyes. She doesn't look very happy at all.]

What's your deal?! First you try to imitate me, horribly, and now you're messing around with my stuff? Just go away already!


[Poor weird-looking woman. She looks so upset being yelled at like that. The other woman, however, doesn't seem to care less and casts an unamused glance down at the PokéGear, realizing that it's been recording this whole time. She doesn't think much of it, though, and shuts it off immediately before storming away from the other woman.

However, those who are in New Bark Town may witness the woman suddenly glowing white and transforming into a sad little pink blob, who starts desperately chasing after its trainer as fast as it can. Which really isn't very fast at all.]

Third Person Sample:
After spending a couple months in Johto, Catherine was starting to get used to the place. She managed to adjust to being stuck in a human body pretty quickly, and she was more tolerant of her still rather irritating Ditto. It helped that she found Vincent early on to keep her sane; plus, travelling with another person was much more convenient than travelling alone. However, ever since she saw Vincent's starter Pokémon back when they first met up in Johto, she wanted one for herself. Really badly. Mareeps were much more appealing than her stupid pink blob, in her opinion. Unfortunately, she had yet to run into one in the wild, and her Ditto didn't seem to be willing to sleep around with other Pokémon yet. It was still young, after all. Little did she know that she would encounter one on Route 32.

Since Vincent was going to be at work in Violet City for most of the day, Catherine decided to use that time to explore a little bit of Route 32 and see if there were any Pokémon actually worth catching there; Ditto was still the only Pokémon in her party. After a while of wandering around, there it was. An adorable, fluffy little Mareep taking a nap in the grass. Catherine had to contain her excitement so she wouldn't wake it up and scare it off. Quietly, she reached into her bag for a Poké Ball and threw it at the sleeping lamb. Much to her dismay, the Mareep broke out of the ball, now awake and alert.

"Dammit..." she muttered, sending out her Ditto and giving it the order to use Transform. Now that it was older and had more practice, it had perfected its transformation ability, right down to the face, and turned into an exact copy of the Mareep. Catherine used her PokéGear to check what moves it had now. The only damaging move was Tackle, so she had her Ditto repeat that until the Mareep was too injured to stand anymore. She took the opportunity to throw another Poké Ball at it, and this time she was successful in capturing it.

"Hooray! Finally!" she shouted, prancing over to the ball and picking it up. She placed it in her belt and looked at her Ditto with a smile for once. "You finally proved yourself useful, you stupid blob." Despite the degrading name-calling, the Ditto seemed happy enough to receive somewhat of a compliment from its trainer for once, reverting back to its original form in just of a cheery mood as Catherine was. "Just wait until I show Vincent~" she said with a giggle, returning the Ditto to its ball and heading back to Violet to heal the Mareep.
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