Mar 28, 2007 16:14
I know i am not using this much anymore, but i thought a little update was necessary!!
I have a new job! I officially start Full-Time on the 16th April, but am going in for 5 days in the next 2 weeks (seeing as I work part-time at my current job i am going into my new jobs on my inbetween days to ease myself into the position!)
Today I handed in my 2 weeks notices, both a happy and sad occasion as I have worked there for over 5 years and will miss no only the people i work with but the residents who live there!
So what is my new job??
Administration Assistant for Optus World in Richmond, they own 8 others stores and I will be dealing with all the contracts from all stores, putting them from their 2 systems into their one main system as well as checking for errors and many other tasks. It's Monday to Friday (hurray for no more weekends) 9 - 5.30pm and only a short walk from Richmond Station!! So its nice and easy to get to, their is also a car park very close if i ever want to drive in instead of taking the train, though i will mostly train it as its much easier and quicker (sitting in peak traffic from my place to Richmond doesnt sound to fun to me!! )
So yes.. im very excited!! and scared aswell! i havnt been a new person for over 5 years.. so its going to take a bit of time to get used to having new work-mates etc!! But its going to make things a whole lot different for me.. for the better!!!! I can finally see a few things ive been dreaming of happening sooner rather than later so ive been quite bouncy today! heheh
Anyway at the moment Im entertaining Luke, who is drawing pictures for me!!
Keep on Trukin