May 30, 2008 04:01
So for those of you who aren't aware, my family, all of them, are due back on the 6th of June. All of the remaining people who are in the house currently are due out by this Sunday. Doesn't mean much for me other then the end of what was at the very least a fun lifestyle. Anyway 'nuff of that.
The real reason I'm writing is to express my stress over having to clean my room to the extreme so that i can get new (to me) furniture in and redecorate my room. I've already thrown out 7 trash bags worth of stuff and I'm looking at maybe one more trash bag. not to mention the box everything I'm keeping is in. I honestly don't know why this job has got me so stressed. Part of it is probably because I don't really feel like im getting much of anywhere with it.. I feel like I keep throwing crap out but theres no end in sight. I think once my old furniture makes its way to the sidewalk/wherever we're donating I'll feel quite a bit more accomplished or something like it.
Im surprisingly tired considering i chugged down a glass of double strong kool aid with about 4x sugar not to long ago. I think it is also causing my lack of eloquence as far as my writing goes. not that it was ever going to win awards but was just a thought. Oh well at least I'm not bored like a good 60% of the people i know. alright im wrambling now. buh byes!!